COVID-19 updates: April 14, 2020

COVID-19 updates: April 14, 2020

TIEDI® system updates: Amnesty status and temporary changes to requirements related to submitting LDF and TRF forms

The required submission of the following TIEDI forms has been suspended in response to the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Living donor follow-up form, or LDF
  • Organ-specific transplant recipient follow-up form, or TRF
  • Recipient malignancy form, or PTM

This provision will be backdated to apply to all forms due beginning March 13, 2020, the date of the presidential declaration of an emergency. It expires Sept. 30, 2020, although the OPTN executive committee will review and may extend the time frame if needed.

If a form has not been submitted by its due date, the system will automatically update the form status from “Expected” to a new status of “Amnesty”. Directions were included in an e-mail sent April 11 and are posted in a system notice in Secure Enterprise.

These changes do not change the requirements to report living donor events and recipient graft failures and deaths, though the deadline for recipient reports was extended from 14 days to 30 days.

Summary of COVID-19 policy actions

The executive committee has approved several actions relating to OPTN policies and bylaws to help members document COVID-19 issues affecting organ donation and transplantation, and to help members focus needed resources in the short term on essential clinical services. A summary of each of these actions is displayed at the top of the policy notices section of the OPTN website. It will be updated to reflect any additional actions.

New donor data collection for COVID-19 testing and results to be added to DonorNet®

New data collection elements will be added to DonorNet to capture information regarding donor COVID-19 testing. OPOs can record whether testing was performed on the donor, and will have the ability to report more than one test result. Entering this information is not mandatory.

Webinar recording available: Organ donation and transplant town hall

The recording of yesterday’s second “COVID-19: Organ Donation and Transplant Town Hall” webinar is now available on UNOS’ COVID-19 webinar page. A number of transplant organizations from around the world continued their partnership to create a second educational webinar for the organ donation and transplantation communities. Webinar participants shared experiences to date and responded to questions about the impact of COVID-19 on organ donation and transplantation.

Join webinar on experiences and solutions from organ donation and transplant professionals in New York during COVID-19

No other American metro area has faced the degree of challenges experienced by New York City during the global pandemic. In an effort to share best practices during the crisis, the New York region’s transplant hospitals and OPOs have joined forces to share experiences and solutions during a collaborative webinar titled “New York vs. COVID-19: We Will Win!” scheduled for Friday, April 17 at 2 p.m. EDT. The agenda will include on information on:

  • The benefits of statewide transplant communication during a crisis such as COVID-19
  • The development of home care strategies, including telehealth during COVID-19 for transplant candidates, recipients and living donors
  • Strategies for maintaining COVID-19 free units during a surge
  • Complex staffing issues that arose with inpatient and ambulatory care areas
  • Implemented strategies that will continue post pandemic

Questions may be submitted at registration. Capacity is limited to 1,000 registrants. The webinar will be available for viewing after the event on UNOS’ COVID-19 webinar page.

Stay current

We will continue to update the UNOS COVID-19 resources page as guidance is developed and enhanced.

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