Associate councillors make sure regions needs are heard

Associate councillors make sure regions needs are heard

Whether you’re an active participant or not, the needs of your region are being represented throughout UNOS and in the making of OPTN/UNOS transplant policy.

How regions are represented

  • The OPTN/UNOS board of directors includes a representative from all 11 regions, one of whom serves on the executive committee.
  • Most of the OPTN/UNOS committees have at least one representative from all 11 regions.

On the critically important membership and professional standards committee (MPSC), representatives elected from each of the 11 regions are known as associate councillors. If you’d like to be considered for the position of associate regional councillor on the MPSC, you must first serve at least one term on another OPTN/UNOS committee.

Once you have served on a committee and fulfilled your term on the MPSC, you will put that experience and your broad regional knowledge to good use by serving a two-year term as your region’s representative on the OPTN/UNOS board of directors.

If you have already served on a committee and are interested in being one of the voices representing your region, you should consider running as a candidate for associate regional councillor on the MPSC. Contact your regional administrator to let them know you are interested or to get more information.

Watch Transplant Pro for additional information about the role of associate regional councillors, the work of the MPSC, and a list of recently elected associate regional councilors to the MPSC.

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