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UNOS news, technology

DonorNet Donor Disposition Reason Codes updated

Changes to the donor organ disposition reason codes on the DonorNet® and TIEDI® have been made to ensure these codes are aligned with distance-based allocation.

UNOS news: Hill briefing

Congressional briefing highlights transplant success, improvement

UNOS leadership provided legislators an overview of recent policy action and their outcomes.

UNOS news related to COVID-19 and transplantation

COVID-19 update: Sept. 24, 2021

OPTN Summary of Evidence on COVID-19 updated and all committee meetings through the end of October and all summer 2021 regional meetings to be virtual

Jerry McCauley with headline transplant equity

Transplant equity work never ends: Jerry McCauley, M.D.

UNOS president-elect shares his perspective on transplant equity and the work still to be done.

Sanjay Kulkarni, M.D.

The ethical implications of continuing living donor transplants during COVID-19

Paper offers rationale and recommendations for continuing living donor transplantation when resources are stretched

Ian Jamieson, "Now is the time to make this change."

“Our cosmic goal”: Enhancing transplant metrics and increasing transplant

MPSC chair Ian Jamieson on transforming and improving transplant performance metrics.

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Living it forward

Stories of hope

Each person touched by organ donation and transplant has a unique story. Read about lives changed
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