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LifeLink of Georgia has almost tripled recovery of African-American donors

LifeLink of Georgia nearly triples African-American donors

Through focused quality improvement and education practices, LifeLink of Georgia has almost tripled recovery of African-American donors.

UNOS news, system changes

Transplant Administrators Can Now Access 2018 Staffing Survey Results

Those centers that have completed the 2018 Staffing Survey may now access the results for their programs. Comparison statistics for transplant program staffing benchmarks with the 2018 data are now available.

Bobby Howard - Lifelink Florida

LifeLink of Georgia increases African-American organ donation

Bobby Howard, Director of Multicultural Donation Education at LifeLink of Georgia talks about how building trust increases African-American organ donation

UNOS news, system changes

Patient Status Confirmation link available in UNet on July 1

The data confirmation period will begin on Monday July 1 and continue through Friday July 26.

UNOS news, system changes

UNOS implemented a new secure email system on May 30, 2019

Read more detail about how this will affect you.

UNOS news, kidney/pancreas

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Living it forward

Stories of hope

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