2018 UNOS TMF breaks records and earns high ratings

2018 UNOS TMF breaks records and earns high ratings

An all-time record number of attendees (587), sponsors and exhibitors gathered at the Renaissance Austin Hotel, April 24-26, for a Texas-sized 2018 UNOS Transplant Management Forum (TMF). The UNOS Transplant Administrators Committee (TAC) and UNOS staff appreciate everyone involved for contributing to the success of the 26th annual forum and learning opportunity for transplant professionals.

View photos from the event.

Presentations covered an array of topics in transplantation, including big data, xenotransplantation, upcoming changes to liver and heart allocation, and much more.

Attendees rated the sessions highly. Here’s what some of them had to say.

  • Great conference over all. Can honestly say I learned several things each day. Thank you to the planning committee ….
  • Really appreciated the center/speaker sharing the very comprehensive education program and resources that they developed for their patients and staff. Some very thoughtful ideas were shared.
  • Good meeting[;] Dynamic presentations

Gwen McNatt, Ph.D., RN, won the Heckenkemper Award for Excellence in Transplantation. She serves as Director of Kovler Organ Transplantation at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, Illinois.

See the award presentation.

David Lewino, RN, CCTC and Melissa Niman, MA, MEd from University of California San Diego Health, La Jolla won the Best of the Best abstract award.

Get details about submitting an abstract for 2019.

The TAC and UNOS are already hard at work planning for 2019 TMF, to be held May 14-16 at the Universal Lowes Sapphire Falls Resort in Orlando, Florida. Exhibitors and sponsors who are interested 2019 opportunities, learn more or contact Meeting Partners at UNOS.

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