Increasing the number of transplants in the United States

2016 in review

Liver recipient Todd Poe was one of the record-breaking number of people to get an organ transplant in 2016. Now he’s back at work, promoting organ donation, and enjoying time with his wife and daughters.

More than 33K transplants performed annually for first time in US, thanks to increased donations

Organ transplants performed in the United States in 2016 reached a new record high for the fourth consecutive year. The growth in overall transplants was largely driven by an increase of 9.2 percent in the number of deceased donors from 2015 to 2016, continuing a six-year trend of annual increases. 

Read full story

20% increase in organ transplants between 2012 and 2017

White House Organ Summit

UNOS’ CEO and Chief Medical Officer attended the White House Organ Summit and announced new technology and data tools to increase the number of transplants done in the United States. These technology initiatives will speed the matching process and support the work of hospitals and OPOs to get transplants to more patients.

Details about the announcement

US White House Organ Summit
UNOS COIIN project identifies effective practices

Increasing kidney utilization

Nineteen transplant hospitals were selected to participate in the first phase of a pilot study implementing practices found to be effective for using kidneys that are not accepted as often by other programs. They are also testing potential improvements to the program performance review process.

Learn more

Thousands more men, women and children are receiving a life-saving transplant opportunity each year.

Stuart Sweet, M.D., Ph.D.

President of the OPTN/UNOS Board of Directors

Adult heart allocation system approved

The board approved significant changes to heart policy that establish six new medical urgency status levels to replace the current three used to prioritize adult heart candidates. Each status assesses candidates’ relative risk of dying short-term without a transplant.

Learn more

TransNet requirements improve safety

Policy will require all organ procurement organizations to use TransNet, UNOS’ barcode scanning technology, at the point of organ recovery to help label, package and track organs and other biologic materials being shipped for transplantation beginning in June 2017.

Learn more

UNOS technology wins innovation award

UNOS received an award for the launch of a data portal that provides organ donation and transplant professionals nationwide with timely and convenient access to critical information and data. It offers members self-service access to more timely data and data visualization functionality.

Learn more


Josh’s List goes viral

UNOS’ first PSA in over 20 years garnered more than 50 million views. The heartwarming video tells the story of Josh whose organs helped save several others. Thanks to a lifesaving heart transplant, one recipient uses his second chance to complete the bucket list Josh left behind.

Watch and share this video to raise awareness about organ transplantation.

Read about the PSA

Macey Henderson places a rose on the UNOS Fallen Soldier Memorial (Photo: UNOS)

Fallen Soldier Donor Memorial Unveiling

The Fallen Soldier Donor Memorial honors members of our military, who have made organ and tissue donation their last courageous act of service so that others may live long and healthy lives in a free and safe world. Unveiled in November, the statue resides in the National Donor Memorial at UNOS.

About the memorial

STAT News describes how the UNOS match works

Ever wondered how UNOS’ computer system matches donated organs with candidates waiting for a transplant? This in-depth article from STAT news explains how it works.


organ transplants performed
in the US in 2016


organ transplants made possible through deceased donation in 2016


organ transplants made possible through living donation in 2016

Transplants By Organ Type – 2016


In 2016, 33,610 transplants were performed in the US

Data subject to change based on future data submission or correction.


UNOS operates on a fiscal year schedule beginning October 1 and ending September 30. This schedule coincides with the federal budget cycle, as UNOS holds the federal contract to operate the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN).

The OPTN is a cost-sharing and cost-reimbursement contract in which the federal government contributed $5,109,985 in federal appropriations and the transplant community contributed $39,786,934 of the $44,896,919 program in fiscal year 2015.

OPTN funding represents 79.0% of UNOS revenues. The remaining 21.0% of revenues comprised UNOS fees, data services, meeting registration fees and charitable contributions. These additional revenues provide resources needed to support the OPTN contract and supports the UNOS mission.

Revenues (fiscal year 2016)*

OPTN registrations and funding$45,995,579
UNOS fees$7,845,805
Data services$1,800,680
Meetings & other$1,363,107
UNOS Revenue, 2016

Expenses (fiscal year 2016)*

Data services$1,008,668
UNOS Expenses, 2016

*General and administrative costs are offset by the indirect rate paid by the OPTN contract.

UNOS is a gold-level participant of GuideStarUNOS is a gold-level participant of GuideStar, the world’s largest source
of information on nonprofit organizations. View UNOS’ full profile on GuideStar now >

Thank you to our board of directors

We are proud to have a distinguished and dedicated group of professionals with a wide range of expertise and experience serving on our board. Together, we will continue to focus on developing policies that provide equitable organ allocation to patients registered on the national waiting list.

Note: Terms of service for outgoing UNOS Board of Directors members end June 30 each year, and terms of incoming members begin July 1 each year. The following list reflects members who served on the Board of Directors during any portion of calendar year 2016.

UNOS Board of Directors serving in 2016

Sharon M. Bartosh, M.D.

University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics

Yolanda T. Becker, M.D.

University of Chicago Medicine

John Belcher, B.S. CCEMT-P, CPTC

New England Organ Bank

Carl L. Berg, M.D.

Duke University Hospital

Adam W. Bingaman, M.D., Ph.D.

Methodist Specialty & Transplant Hospital

A. Michael Borkon, M.D.

Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City

Gordon R. Bowen, M.S.


Mindy M. Burchfield, RN, B.S.N., CPTC

Mayo Clinic Florida

John R. Campbell, PA, J.D.


Jonathan M. Chen, M.D.

Seattle Children’s Hospital

Suzanne Lane Conrad, RN, M.S., CPTC

Iowa Donor Network

Mary Amanda Dew, Ph.D.

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Medical Center

Mindy Dison, RN, B.S.N., CPTC

Mayo Clinic Florida

Viken Douzdjian, M.D.

Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center

Trine Engebretsen, M.D., M.S

Stuart M. Flechner, M.D.

Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine

Cass Franklin, M.D.

Mercy Medical Center-Des Moines

Ray Gabel, B.A.

Michael D. Gautreaux, Ph.D. D(ABHI)

Wake Forest School of Medicine

Alexandra K. Glazier, J.D., M.P.H.

New England Organ Bank

James M. Gleason, M.A.

Kim B. Harbur, B.S.

Julie K. Heimbach, M.D.

Mayo Clinic

Mitchell L. Henry, M.D.

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

G. Kent Holloway, M.S.F.

Lifeline of Ohio

Michael G. Ison, M.D., M.S.

Northwestern University

Maryl R. Johnson, M.D.

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Malek Kamoun, M.D., Ph.D.

The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Heung Bae Kim, M.D.

Boston Children’s Hospital

Bradley T. Kornfeld, J.D.

Christian S. Kuhr, M.D.

Virginia Mason Medical Center

Carrie D. Lindower, RN, M.B.A., CPTC, CCTC

SUNY Health Sciences Center at Stony Brook

Ruth A. McDonald, M.D.

Seattle Children’s Hospital

Kenyon W. Murphy, J.D.

Walt Nickels, RN, B.S.N., CCRN, CPTC

Arkansas Regional Organ Recovery Agency

Kevin J. O’Connor, M.S., PA

LifeCenter Northwest

Donald Olenick, Esq.

Willie J. Oler, Ed.D.

Kim M. Olthoff, M.D.

The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Thomas C. Pearson, M.D., D.Phil.

Emory Transplant Center

Richard V. Perez, M.D.

UC Davis Medical Center

Richard E. Pietroski, M.S., CPTC

United Therapeutics Corporation

Lloyd E. Ratner, M.D., M.P.H.

Columbia University/New York-Presbyterian Hospital

David J. Reich, M.D., FACS

Hahnemann University Hospital 

Dianne LaPointe Rudow, APN-BC, D.N.P., CCTC

The Mount Sinai Hospital

Deanna L. Santana, B.S.

Sierra Donor Services

Elizabeth A. Schumacher, J.D.

Kathy Schwab, RN, B.S.N., CCTC

Mayo Clinic

Peter G. Stock, M.D., Ph.D.

UCSF Medical Center

Lisa Stocks, RN, M.S.N., FNP


Robert J. Stratta, M.D.

Wake Forest Baptist Health

Stuart C. Sweet, M.D., Ph.D.

St. Louis Children’s Hospital

Tim E. Taber, M.D. 

Indiana University School of Medicine

Anat R. Tambur, D.M.D., Ph.D., D(ABHI)

Northwestern University

Lewis W. Teperman, M.D.

North Shore University Hospital

Christie P. Thomas, M.B., FRCP, FASN, FAHA, FAST

University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

Betsy J. Walsh, J.D., M.P.H.

W. Kenneth Washburn, M.D.

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Charles E. Wright, M.D.

LifeLink of Florida

Vicky Young, Ph.D.

Thank you to our supporters

The lifesaving work of organ transplant and procurement wouldn’t be possible without the philanthropic support and dedication of our supporters and friends across the United States. We are inspired by the generosity of those who have invested in UNOS’ lifesaving mission. On behalf of the UNOS team, the healthcare professionals of the organ transplant and procurement community, and the children and adults who have received the lifesaving gift of an organ transplant, thank you.


AlexionAstellas Pharma US, Inc.Google Inc.Kantara

Massey FoundationPublicis North AmericaRussell A. Lagasse Trust

SanofiDamien ToogoodThe Joel Bieber Firm


Barnes Jewish HospitalBeaumont Health Multi-Organ     TransplantationBroadcastBuckingham Greenery Interior LandscapesDan CowenCustis Westham Fund of     The Community Foundation Serving     Richmond and Central VirginiaGuidry & EastTim Haneseth

HD OpticsShae HortonLutheran HospitalMissouri DeMolayMosaicOptumPrismaRichmond MagazineRichmond Times-DispatchSt. Vincent Hospital, Transplant ServicesSociety for Transplant Social Workers

SunTrust BankTechnoMarketingThe C.F. Sauer CompanyTransplant Analytics, Inc.VCU HealthVoltage Vapin’ Inc.Wells FargoWilliams Mullen


Anonymous (1)Actuarial Benefits & Design CompanyAmerican Door & Glass, Inc.American Society of Transplantation (AST)Apple Spice JunctionB & L Floorcovering, Inc.Bank of AmericaBanner Good Samaritan Medical CenterBB&T Insurance ServicesClyde BradshawBuckeye Transplant ServicesCapital Ale HouseCharles O. Strickler Transplant CenterCherry Bekaert LLPCleveland Clinic Transplant CenterClinical Consulting Associates, Inc.ComedySportz Improv Theatre RichmondDaybreak IT SolutionsDeFazio’s CateringDominion Payroll Services Dunlap & Partners Engineers, P.C.Easy 100.9Erick EdwardsEssentra Porous Technologies Corp.Facility LogixF.W. Sullivan’sGenentech Frederick HadeedHaley Buick GMCHill Electrical, Inc.Houston Methodist J.C. Walter Jr.     Transplant CenterJames River Cellars Winery

Kona GrillLady N’awlinsLex’s of CarytownLifeCenter Organ Donor NetworkLifeTrac, Inc.Agnes M. LillyLucky FootMama J’sMcGuireWoods LLPMise En PlaceMississippi Organ Recovery AgencyNacho Mama’sOneLegacyOptumOTTR Chronic Care SolutionsOwens & MinorParagon Financial ServicesPartner MDPatient First Patriot Mechanical CorporationPuritan Cleaners Reco FoundationRichmond International Raceway Richmond MagazineRichmond Primoid, Inc.Richmond Times-DispatchLisa SchaffnerMuriel SchwartzSimply Delightful Catering and      The Virginia HomeDr. Mark & Debra Smith

St. David’s North Austin Medical CenterSugar SoiréeTalley Sign CompanyTechnoMarketingTeleResults CorporationThe PIMCO FoundationThe Steele Grille CateringTitan GroupTransplant Analytics, Inc.Transplant Management Group, LLCTransplant SolutionsTravinia Italian KitchenUnityPoint Health – Iowa Methodist     Transplant CenterUniversity of Arkansas for Medical SciencesUniversity of Kentucky Transplant CenterVaco Richmond, LLCDr. Paul & Sheila VakselisVirginia Biotechnology Research ParkVirginia Union UniversityMarc WaldorWhite House CateringWhitley Service Roofing &      Sheet Metal CompanyWilliam Jeffrey’s Fine Diamonds     and JewelryWiseco Piston Company, Inc.WRIC-TVXynManagement

At the time of this report all efforts were made to correctly and appropriately identify all contributors. Please call (804) 782-1511 with questions.


Anonymous (10)Abner Baptist ChurchAce Electric CompanyStephanie AdamiakSue AddelsonAlbin Animal HospitalAllstate Giving CampaignAmazonSmile FoundationJessica AmberMandy AmesBarbra ApfelbaumArcusKristina ArmsteadThomas ArnoldArt for The JourneyArthur Murray Dance Center of Cranford NJRobert ArthurAssociated Benefit Planners, Ltd.Jacob AylorBabcoxRicky BacchusWilliam BairdBill BakerSheila BakerBill and Jeri BallChristina BarcoskAlma BarrazaDiane BashamBill BattersonDeana BattleDayal BaxaniMaureen BeadlesThomas BeardCharles BeasleyGeorge BeasonMike BellRachel BergsteinMyrna BernsteinRobert BernsteinBJ’s Wholesale Club Inc.Christina BlackRichard BlairBodillaz MobileJerry BohnTim BohnTom BohnDan BolinDanielle BorisWeldon BradshawTerrence BrennanKathy BrittBroad Rock Tennis ClubWilliam BroadDarrin BroccaNick BroughtonTurner BroughtonRoger BrownBuzz and Ann BrunerJ.M. and T.D. BuckJames BuddMartha BullenBeverly BullockJill BunkerJo BurroughsAnna BurtonC & K Punch & Screw Machine Products, Inc.Kenneth CampbellLarry CampbellJudith CarlinDebbie CarrollJohn CarterJohn CarterManny CarwileCavalcade of Bands Association, Inc.Stephen CenkoCentral Virginia Area CFCCFCSENC Fund-0656James ChandlerJamie M. ChapmanJade ChenYulin ChengChesapeake Bay Area CFCChesterfield County Police DepartmentSteve ChildersMarjorie ChildressChris CianiDavid CisnaSofia CisnerosCity of Richmond Police DepartmentGloria ClarkClaville LLCClay City Community Unit   No. 10, Unit Imprest FundClay County Farm BureauPete CleavesAlison ClementsRobert ClementsJeff ClemowCoastal Carolina Combined   Federal CampaignBeth CoeWendy CohenBarbara ColePamela ColeburnJames and Virginia CollinsRonald ColmanCombined Federal Campaign of   Greater SoCalCombined Federal Campaign of   the National Capital AreaCommonwealth of Virginia CampaignDanielle ComparetteJay ConatyBill ConklinEdward ConnellJohn ConnellTom and Betty ConnellyRoberta CopeCassandra CossittWillie CottleShandie CovingtonCynthia CristDarrel CrossmanLana CroyMackenzie CummingsCharles CunninghamHerbert C. CzechDorothy DadmunMelissa DamianoMidge DanielsDorothy DavisLisa DavisVirginia DavisJessica DegnanDebbie DellingerDelta Zeta Omicron ZetaTheresa DeMarcoDesert Southwest CFCPamela DickKristen DimlowJoseph DivelyDavid DoedtmanPaul DooleyLea-Marie DozierAndrew DuRobert DunkleMary DunlaveyRenee DunnAnn DurfaneQuentin DyeAndrew DykersRick EastonAshley EdgeElliott Company of Indianapolis, Inc.Jerry EllisMary D. EllisonEmbassy Suites by Hilton RichmondErnst & Young, LLPChris ErtelCarolyn EwellExxonMobil FoundationFogel FamilyMilton FarrFelcor Lodging TrustD. Edward FergusonChris FerrellSara FlahertyStephanie FloraKatrina FontenlaEffie FordLois FoxenStephanie FrederickMartha FrigolettoKevin FrohningJoe FrondaMax FullingGrace GallagherThomas GallagherGeorge GarasciaAlexander GarzaGateway Combined Federal CampaignLanny GaultJennifer GavinGerald and Madonna GawronskiGE Foundation Matching Gifts Program

T. R. and C. L. GentaAnn GentryPerry GentryShannon GingrasGive With LibertyTerrence GleasonCharles GloverRachel GoldbergKenneth GoldsteinCasey GomezSharon GordonFran GoverAlex GrahamBrandon GramsGreater North Carolina Area CFCGreater Olympic Peninsula   Combined Federal CampaignJamie GreenTim GriestEdmund GriffithKathryn GrismoreSteve GrissomMatthew GuercioSonny GuptaHaley Buick GMCHalliburton Insurance & Financial ServicesTheresa HalpinJerry HancockFlint HardingHardywood Park Craft BreweryDonna HarlevLinda HarrisPete HarrisonRichard and Myrna HartnedyHenrisa HaskellTed HaynesRobert HeltzelTom HendersonHenrico East RotaryGregg HernandezRachel HernandezAndrea HerringJanice HesterMark HierholzerMelanie HillHilton Garden Inn Richmond Downtown Kelly HodgdonTom HoldenLinda Hollett-BazouziBrent HolmesRon HopkinsPhilip HudkinsBridgette HuffEmily HuffBarbara HughesIBM Employee Charitable   Contribution CampaigniGive.comIsley Brewing CompanyIt Works For Families Too NFGIuka Community Consolidated School No. 7Rosanne IzzoJohn JacksonMargaret JacksonRoger JacksonNancy JacqmeinJames River Nurseries, Inc.Carl JohanssonJanice JohanssonPhyllis JohnsonRick JohnsonBarbara JonesMelissa JonesJR Food Service LLCPatrick KacaniWilliam KahnJane KallalEllen KarniskyBobbie KauffmanAdrienne KerwoodKelley KiblerWillie KingSean KirtsRita KnightJane KoonceJack KovichChris KozelJames KuhnMark KuhnDebra Kuhnly Robert KunzelmanDavid LacyThomas LamotheTeddy LandrumLynda LaneMichael LaneKiki LarkinIrene LarsonJohn LaufersweilerRobert LaumannGreig Leach Legacy PartnersLehman-Roberts CompanyDeb LestenkofHerbert LeventhalAlan LeviChristopher LewisDebbie Lewis-TaylorPaul LittleLocal Governments and   Schools United Way CampaignBeatrice LockBob LockerLong Cove Ladies Golf AssociationKate LoomisLouisiana Organ Procurement AgencyDave LoveJeff LoveMichael LoveLycoming County United Way/CFC 0749Tommye LyellCathy MabenJim MaguireManheim Township Marching   Band BoostersSheila MarksDiana MarshMargie MasonerMarie MasseyBiff and Josie MautzMaureen McBrideDon McCantsCliff McClenneyBecky McCrillisJames McGinnJim McGuirePaul McKillipPatty McMillerDeclan McMullenMaura McWaltersGary MeloniMerck FoundationMid Atlantic Percussion SocietyPaula MiddletonSingwen MientkaJennifer MillerWilliam MillerTim MoenStuart MorellChristine MorrisMorton G. and Nancy P.   Thalhimer FoundationEdward MossMPI VirginiaAmanda Covington MullinsEdna MurphyWilliam MurphyMurray Hill Middle SchoolN. Chasen and Son, Inc.Tracey NettellNetwork for GoodJanece NeunaberRobert and R. Lynn NewcomerMike NguyenRaymond NieblingNorthrop GrummanJanet NuzumAndrea OlitzkyDavid OwenEric OwenBetsy PadgettHarvey PagelPanhandle Writers GroupMargaret PantanoAnn ParkerMary Jo ParkerAnne PaschkeLaura PassarelleLarry PatridgeCindy PaulinPeoria Police Retirees AssociationSharon PepleClaude PerkinsDon Peschka

Joyce PetersonMelissa PhillipsKelly PickerelChristine PilsonAllan PinneWesley and Lee Ann PitmanDon PlattDrew PlousisPolymer CorporationWilliam PorterJean PotterPowhatan County SchoolProtiviti Inc.Publicis LifeBrands MedicusSuzanne QuimbyNehal RamchandaniChuck RayfieldReese FamilyShirey S. ReeseRE/MAX EDGEGerald ReinartDoris ReinhartReynolds Lighting Supply, Co.Bob ReynoldsInger RiceIrene RinaldiBrian RobinetteCraig RobinetteNatasha RodgersRon RogersPhilip RolandDavid RopiequetBruce RoseRichard RossDebbie RothschildJeffrey RothsteinEdward RoyseSusie RozanczykElizabeth RubinJames RussellDr. Rob SabatiniThomas SanderCharles SandersTina SarrisJay SauerSangita SawhneyPat SchaffnerMeg SchenkMarcia SchmidlinKelly SchmittBetty SchnellenbergerGerald SchraederJohn SchroederKen SchulerGary ScoffieldBarbara ScottRachael ScottScottradeRobert SealandStuart SeatonDani SegalTim SendelbachJan ShaftelJoel ShapiroAnn Shaw-KremerJoan SheaLinda SheaJodi Sheakley-WrightTheresea SheppardJennine SherrillMark SherwinNorma ShippelJames ShootBetsy ShortRuth SidorowiczSilicon Valley Community FoundationDeeDee SimmonsJennifer SkowronskiJanet SmalleyLeigh SmargiassiSMBW ArchitectsRebecca SmithRod SmithThomas SmithJo Anne SnyderKaren SokohlHaydon SpaldingErv SpevakSpotless Window Cleaning CompanyGeorge SpragueWendy SproutMichael StahlJeff StarkSamantha StarkKent StarwaltJay StegmaierJennifer Sternal-JohnsonPat StewartRay StickelEdward StoneAmy StoreyAndy StuartMary Beth SudolAndy SwartzStuart SweetDanny TanakaDennis TaylorAdrienne Taylor-ParhamTechnoMarketingBarbara TenEyckThe Benevity Community Impact FundThe Boat Place of Naples, IncThe Nicholas Green FoundationThe Resident Home CorporationThe Trent CorporationGwen ThomasJerry ThompsonSandra TobiasShirley TownsendLoryn TracyTraf-Mark Industries, L.L.C.Faye TraylorTreasured MemoriesVirginia TriplettTruistTuckahoe Republican Woman’s ClubJudy TysonPatti Jane UmUnited PercussionUnited Way of Greater Richmond    & PetersburgUnited Way of the National Capital AreaUniversal Leaf Tobacco CompanySteve UphamUpper Dublin Marching Band   Parents AssociationEugene UptmorUrban Land Institute RichmondAlfred and Joan VadnaisCase Van GorpDavid VanstavernNancy VarianMartin VaughanVerizon FoundationSally VijukGus VitaliVivace ProductionsMatthew VoelkerElaine WallBarbara WallaceWilbert WalravenMartha WalshSean WalshWaltz FamilyDanny and Lisa WalzBojie WangWilliam WardJoseph and Lorene WarnerReynolds WashburnRobert WeedeWilliam (“Bill”) WeirichJames WendorfMary Elizabeth WeyandMax WhiteJamie WiggintonWillard Band BoostersVonna WillcocksonCatherine WilliamsJ.M. WilliamsRalph WilliamsJulie WilsonGraham WoodliefWoolf FamilyJoe WysowskiGeorge YesbeckMichael YesbeckCheryl-Ann YoungDeborah YoungYourCauseDelbert ZanderMike ZimmermanZoe’s Kitchen

At the time of this report all efforts were made to correctly and appropriately identify all contributors. Please call (804) 782-1511 with questions.

Honorariums and Memorials

Many of the gifts we received were graciously given as tribute to a loved one with a personal connection to transplantation. Here we thank and honor those tributes.

Forrest Truman (Khaliq) AkersAlexandra ArgentieriJoseph Andrew ArmsteadMike ArnerMichael AsherJesus V. AvilaLaura Baker’s     heart donorSheila Bailey-StewartTom BarcoskiSue BellShay O’Neal BrewerRichard A. BohnLee BowmanRobert BrooksCorey BruserDavid BurroughsRoger E. CarmineJim CarrollPaul CarterDeShawn CashJadyn CashCharlotte CavanaghJames ChristensenKenneth D. ChristyTimothy ConawayJeffery Alan CroyTom D’AntonioRobert DavidsonPaula DudikDan DwyerArthur A. Eaves, Jr.Roger EmilRichard FenlonJohn Howard Fox, Jr.Gary P. FoxenBarbara J. GallCameron K. GallagherChris “Guy” GibbColleen GleasonLacie GressFacility Logix’s     clientsRonald HarcarikBuddy HarrisBret HenryJudy Hodges

Sammie J. HoskinsVince HowleyCindy V. HummelDavid Sullivan HuntHeather JamesAmy JanickiElizabeth JarradBetty Jane JarrellWanda JonesMonica F. KantzlerRichard KarniskyArnie KoziarzSeth KramerDr. Dennis L. JohnsonEd KellyDickie Wayne KirbyHal LaneRobin LevineJames C. LillyKathryn Meggie Kilpatrick LuckKristin Luehrs-Isley Celebrity Bartend Paul MahonSusan West MalloryJim B. MartinMichael R. MasonerJuan MateoChristopher T. MatottMichael McLaughlinNorris Laneer McMillerPaula MedinaJoAnn MenkJo MillerBecky MilmineAlfred Thomas MoffattRobert Hurt MotleyMy Kidney Donor My Organ Donor (2)Grant NakayamaHarry NeuRonald NicholsGinny NieblingPam PenselGregg PooleJohn L. Quimby, Jr.

Vishal ReddyEarl ReinholdMichael RinaldiRoger RodgersJames C. RunyonGarth RyanLeora Jeanette SabolLisa SchaffnerTerry SchaffnerJames H. SheaKathleen ShefferHelen SilvermanMilo Joseph SisaithongElizabeth Huff SleemanBobby A. SmithLt. Sherrell Michael Smith, Jr.Weldon SmithCatherine M. SpaethDave Stacey Robert StarkDeborah C. SurlasZarmehr TavariaJacob TaylorThe Gift of LifeThe Marriage of Danielle     Jaffee and Matthew SomersThe Segal’s Chanukah 2015Forrest G. TriplettBetty B. TobiasBrittany VaughanJudy Wuerch ViolanteDavid Wachtel 60th birthdayLarry Winn and Transplant HouseMatteo WrightJessica WulfConnie Yu

At the time of this report all efforts were made to correctly and appropriately identify all contributors. Please call (804) 782-1511 with questions.

Deborah C. Surlas Legacy for Life Society

UNOS is proud to acknowledge those who have demonstrated their commitment to our mission by making a planned gift. This society is named to honor kidney-pancreas recipient, patient advocate, nurse and longtime UNOS board and committee volunteer Deborah C. Surlas, who passed away in 2015.

Deborah C. Surlas Legacy for Life Society
  • Deborah C. Surlas*
  • Margaret Allee, R.N., JD
  • Anthony L. Council*
  • Jane Cole Godin*
  • Walter K. Graham
  • Lisa Hubbard*
  • *deceased
  • Russell A. Lagasse*
  • Paul Oldam*
  • Vicki F. Sauer
  • James P. Trunck
  • James Wynn, M.D.

View previous annual reports

Annual reports give us the opportunity to report on our recent achievements. Throughout our history, UNOS has been involved in hundreds of projects to bring together the transplant community to save lives through organ donation and transplantation.

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