MFA coming for TransNet mobile for Android
MFA coming for TransNet mobile for Android on Oct. 12.
MFA coming for TransNet mobile for Android on Oct. 12.
Two new enhancements are coming to DonorNet on Sept. 21. These enhancements will display as tooltips, visible when the user hovers over a button or question mark icon.
Transplant programs are asked to confirm or update patient status for selected patients.
Effective Sept. 1, any caller who requests access to private information or UNet services from UNOS will use a new identity verification process that utilizes Authy.
These policy changes impacting TIEDI forms were approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in March 2022.
Effective Aug. 30, new requirements under revisions to OPTN Policy 18: Data Submission Requirements include a data lock provision to make changes to any of the eight TIEDI forms.