Important Transportation Information for OPOs and Transplant Programs
US Airways implements additional shipment charges Beginning March 15, 2013, US Airways added an additional handling charge to all customer-designated Life Saving shipments. Life Saving shipments include human organs or blood for life saving transplant or procedures....
Frequently asked questions regarding information technology design, funding–Updated 5/13
Read the recently updated answers to questions that UNOS has received regarding its ongoing refinement of information technology (IT) systems.

Portland VA Medical Center Reaches Gold in Hospital Challenge
Learn how your hospital or transplant center can reach gold, silver or bronze before results are due for recognition by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in June.

Message to Transplant Program Directors & Administrators from OPTN/UNOS President
Dr. John Roberts sends administrators an important message about funding needed for mission-critical OPTN computer system upgrades.