Jul 17, 2015 | News, Transplant hospital
If your program receives a secure e-mail, you should complete the spreadsheet and return it to UNOS’ Data Quality group within 14 days.
Apr 29, 2015 | News, Transplant hospital
Living donor recovery hospitals: you will need to collect additional information from living donors who donated on or after March 31, 2015.
Mar 12, 2015 | News, Transplant hospital
Attn: Transplant Program Directors Dr. Kiran Khush of Stanford University will lead a Donor Heart Study (DHS) sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. The DHS is a prospective observational study that will provide evidence-based strategies for evaluating and...
Mar 5, 2015 | News, Transplant hospital
Check to see if your written agreement contains all the required elements.
Feb 10, 2015 | News, Transplant hospital
UNOS was alerted through the Patient Safety portal that 17 specific lots of irrigation sets manufactured by Baxter Healthcare are subject to a voluntarily recall issued January 14, 2015. These sets are commonly used during lung recoveries but may also be used by...
Jan 7, 2015 | News, Transplant hospital
UNOS has established a Department of Member Quality, combining the previously separate departments of Evaluation & Quality and Membership. This action will enhance efficiency of operations, as both functions provide key support to the membership of UNOS and to...