SRTR and UNOS researchers collaborate to publish two journal articles
Two articles in the Amercian Journal of Transplantation review allocation history, status and future direction of allocation policy.
Two articles in the Amercian Journal of Transplantation review allocation history, status and future direction of allocation policy.
As of Aug. 1, the toll-free UNOS patient services line offers interpreters in more than 170 languages for limited-English proficient callers who have questions about transplantation.
The TIEDI® Liver Recipient Explant Pathology Form will be generated when you remove a recipient from Waitlist with an approved HCC exception.
OPO and transplant center staff who would like to encourage information sharing between transplant recipients and donor families/living donors now have a toolkit of resources to help them in these efforts.
The OPTN/UNOS Liver and Intestinal Organ Transplantation Committee hosted a webinar on Oct.