Actions to strengthen the U.S. organ donation and transplant system
IT improvement: Maintain safe, modern and reliable OPTN IT systems and infrastructure
Having a secure, reliable, and efficient IT system for patients, donors and the transplant community is a top priority for UNOS as the OPTN contractor.
UNOS Action
UNOS is updating its systems’ user interface to make it easier for donation and transplant professionals to make and evaluate offers. We are leveraging internal and external experts in human-centered design, as well as engaging members of the community throughout the design process.
UNOS has hired additional IT and information security leaders to improve OPTN IT systems and infrastructure and is continuing to build application programming interfaces (APIs) with third-party experts. APIs support automated data transfer by enabling different computer systems to interact. They also decrease the amount of manual data entries OPTN members must complete, which will improve efficiency of the system and increase patient safety overall.
The UNOS Action Agenda reflects the needs of the broader donation and transplant community.
All stakeholders, including UNOS, share a common mission:
Get as many transplantable organs as possible to patients who need them.
All parts of the national system must be held accountable for making sure that this happens. The transplant community and the OPTN must provide the highest level of service to patients and the greatest level of transparency to the public who have charged them with this lifesaving work.
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