Share your donor tribute story

Here’s where you can leave a tribute—your photographs, your words, your story. Whether you’re a family member, a loved one, a friend, or a grateful transplant recipient, your reflections pay homage to those individuals who have generously given the gift of life.

Complete the fields below, and when you’ve finished, click the submit button. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story.


  • For the best experience, please upload your tribute using your desktop browser.
  • If you are experiencing trouble submitting your tribute, please submit your story details and photo to
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  • Your information

  • Tell us about your tribute

    Information about the person for whom you are creating a tribute.
  • Please limit to 1,000 words or less.
  • jpg, png, tiff. Max file size 5MB
  • Paste a link to a video from a website such as Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia
  • Terms & conditions

  • If "Yes" is selected you are agreeing to the following. Certifications for Materials of Minors - By submitting these Materials, I hereby certify that I am the parent or guardian of the minor whose name, image, and personal information is contained in the Materials, and hereby agree, authorize and consent to all of the provisions set forth on behalf of my child or ward.


Paul Charles Harris, donor
Paul Charles Harris, donor
"We have worked to keep his memory alive and I have served for 12 years as a donor advocate speaking and working to bring hope to others through donation. This is Paul’s legacy, which we as a family, and individuals, will strive for as long as we can. Hope." Read Paul's story ~ Submitted by donor's Mother
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