
United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) manages the nation’s organ transplant system as the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) under contract with the federal government. The goal of the OPTN is to increase the number of transplants, improve post-transplantation success rates, and promote patient safety.

In order to provide transplant professionals with the resources they need to meet the goals of the OPTN, UNOS has created transplantation toolkits.

These toolkits include a variety of guidance documents for transplant professionals including organ-specific policies, organ allocation calculators, and related educational resources. View our available toolkits below for the most up to date compliance information.

Order resources

  • Patient materials, visit the UNOS Store
  • Labels for TransNetSM and organ transport, visit the OPTN Store
Symbol living donation

Living donation

Find living donation education resources, tools, and news.

icon of kidney inside circle
icon of pancreas inside circle

Kidney and pancreas

Stay up to date on kidney/pancreas featured reports, educational resources, and policy news.

Kidney/pancreas toolkits

icon of liver inside circle
icon of intestine inside circle

Liver and intestine

View resources for liver and intestine-specific policies, calculators, and education.

Liver/intestine toolkits

icon of heart inside circle
icon of lung inside circle

Heart and lung

View resources for heart and lung-specific policies, education, and allocation information.

Heart/lung toolkits

icon with letters VCA inside circle

Vascular composite allograft

Find news and requirements for VCA transplant programs.

VCA toolkit

Caduceus as a symbol of medicine

Patient safety

Find alerts, policies and guidance to keep transplant patients safe and reduce the risk for disease transmission.

Patient safety toolkit

Symbol organ transport

Organ transport

Order organ labels and find policies governing organ transport

Organ transport

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