VCA transplant programs to begin reapplication period Oct. 8 ahead of new Bylaws

VCA transplant programs to begin reapplication period Oct. 8 ahead of new Bylaws

Beginning Oct. 8, 2020, all current vascular composite allograft (VCA) programs will be required to reapply to the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network and show that they meet new requirements based in part on each VCA type they wish to transplant. This is the first step in implementing updated OPTN VCA Bylaws. Read the combined policy notice for a list of covered body parts and details on all the changes, and find answers to frequently asked questions below.

When are VCA program applications due?

Applications must be submitted by Feb. 5, 2021 in order to be considered by the Board at its June 2021 meeting.

What is involved with the new Bylaws?

The updated VCA Bylaws establish new requirements for minimum qualifications for primary transplant surgeons and physicians as they pertain to each of the eight VCA program categories. Applicants will also be required to complete information about facilities, resources, and additional personnel that support their VCA program.

When do programs receive the new applications?

On Oct. 8, current OPTN-approved VCA programs will receive an email that includes a fillable version of the application, with an opportunity to opt-out of any VCA type. Programs can also find the VCA application and instructions on how to apply following the new criteria here.

My transplant hospital does not currently have a VCA program but would like to start one.

Programs that do not currently have a VCA program but would like to start one during the VCA Bylaw implementation should contact [email protected] for further directions.

Where do I submit the application?

All VCA transplant program applicants must submit their completed applications to United Network for Organ Sharing by email as specified in the application instructions.

The application period begins Oct. 8, 2020 and will be open for 120 days through Feb. 5, 2021. In order to guarantee that the OPTN Membership and Professional Standards Committee is able to process all applications before the Bylaws are implemented, transplant hospitals must complete and submit applications by the closing date, Feb. 5, 2021.  

UNOS and the MPSC will process each application received over the next four months. UNOS will notify applicants of their application status at least 30 days prior to the implementation date of the VCA Bylaws.

When do the Bylaws go into effect?

The effective date of the VCA Bylaws will coincide with the date that the OPTN Board of Directors acts on all VCA applications received during the 120-day submission period. The first Board meeting following the close of the submission period is scheduled for June 2021.

If you have any questions, call 833-577-9469 or email [email protected]

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