Update on the OPTN COVID Collaborative

Update on the OPTN COVID Collaborative

In April 2020, the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network launched a COVID-19-focused interactive collaborative project, the OPTN COVID Collaborative, as a private platform for member discussion during the crisis. The member engagement with the Collaborative’s cross-disciplinary webinars proved to be very high, both in registration numbers and in satisfaction.

As the crisis continues to evolve, so will member needs, and the OPTN is working to redirect resources to the areas which offer the most support.To that end, after assessing member needs, the OPTN COVID Collaborative private website, including the discussion forums, will be closed for registration effective July 10, 2020, in order to focus on development of more webinar resources.

The Collaborative’s cross-disciplinary webinars will continue, and the previously recorded webinars will be made accessible in the near future.

The existing OPTN Collaborative private site will be archived, with the understanding that it will be reactivated in future phases of COVID-19, as needed. Reactivating the site will be the result of assessing community needs as they are discussed across a variety of channels, including listservs and other community forums.

Once the platform is inactivated, current registered participants for the OPTN COVID Collaborative will no longer be able to log into the site. However, their credentials will remain active for future iterations of the COVID Collaborative.

United Network for Organ Sharing will continue to support the community through the COVID crisis through resources such as educational offerings, policy development, and working with the community to monitor data and patient safety.


Find the most current information and the latest data on the COVID-19 resources page.

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