Phase II of the offer filters project launches on Aug. 27

Phase II of the offer filters project launches on Aug. 27


  • OPO users who send electronic organ offers

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Implementation date

Aug. 27

At-a-glance statement

On Aug. 27, United Network for Organ Sharing began piloting phase II of an offer filters project that allows kidney transplant programs to bypass single kidney donor offers they do not want to receive through custom-designed, multi-criteria filters.

Transplant hospitals participating in the pilot have the ability to turn filters on to bypass offers in DonorNet®.

The kidney notification process for all organ procurement organizations has been modified to provide a list of hospitals that will be bypassed for offer filters before notifications are sent out. When donor data matches filter criteria, bypass code 886 will be applied. Participating transplant hospitals will not receive offer notifications when candidates are bypassed due to offer filters.

What you need to do


Review the education resources in UNOS Connect to learn about the changes to the notification process in support of the offer filters project by searching for SYS162, or navigating to the resources in the course catalog’s “System” category (UNetSM login required).

Transplant hospitals:

Kidney transplant programs participating in the pilot received a separate communication via email on Aug. 13.

Additional details

Offer filters will only be applied to single kidney offers. Dual kidney, en bloc and import kidney offers, and other organ types are not impacted by this pilot. The pilot will run for approximately three months.

Read a Q&A with UNOS business architect Rob McTier to learn more about how the offer filters project will enable further improvement to the kidney offer process and increase organ utilization across the country.

Education and resources

Review the education resources in UNOS Connect. Search for SYS162, or navigate to the resources in the course catalog’s “System” category (UNet login required).


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. EDT.

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