Recent bequest to UNOS is non-profit’s largest ever

Recent bequest to UNOS is non-profit’s largest ever

UNOS recently received a bequest of $500,000, the largest planned gift in the non-profit’s history. This remarkable and generous investment in our future strengthens our ability to save lives through organ donation and transplantation.

By including UNOS in your estate plans, you can leave a legacy that helps UNOS meet pressing needs. With your support, UNOS can develop new initiatives that:

  • maximize the number of individuals who benefit from organ transplants
  • reduce waiting times and waiting list fatalities
  • improve transplant outcomes and enhance quality of life among recipients
  • provide impartial data and resources to patients and their families
  • support outcomes-based clinical practice and research
  • increase organ donation through education and awareness

Learn more about planned giving

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