UNet is online: VCA and data collection projects released

UNet is online: VCA and data collection projects released

Audience:  (Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from it.)

  • All UNetSM users


Implementation date

Sept. 14, 2023


Allocation of 10 Vascularized Composite Allograft (VCA) organs has been added to UNet, along with extensive changes to existing data collection forms across organs.

Summaries of each of these changes have been provided below, along with links to more detailed notices on UNOS.org.

Changes include:

VCA allocation added to UNet

WaitlistSM now includes candidate management for each of the 10 VCA organs.

DonorNet® now includes the 10 VCA organs on match initiation, match results, organ offers, test donors, contact management and select reports.

The current process for collecting Transplant Recipient Registration (TRR) forms and Transplant Recipient Follow-up (TRF) forms has not changed.

Standardize kidney biopsy reporting and data collection

The addition of new kidney biopsy fields aims to reduce inconsistencies in kidney biopsy parameters and reporting. Organ Procurement Organizations are now required to enter kidney biopsy data on the donor record in DonorNet and the Deceased Donor Registration (DDR) form in TIEDISM when available.

Changes impact:

  • DonorNet donor record
  • DDR

Report primary graft dysfunction in heart transplant recipients

Changes implemented with this policy modify the Heart and Heart/Lung Transplant Recipient Registration (TRR) forms in TIEDI to collect new data elements relevant to identifying PGD in heart transplant recipients.

Changes impact:

  • Heart and Heart/Lung Transplant Recipient Registration (TRR)

Modifications to the Deceased Donor Registration (DDR) form

These changes include an extensive update to DDR data collection following a comprehensive review of the form by the OPO Committee to promote more consistent and accurate data collection.

Changes impact:

  • DonorNet donor record
  • Death Notification Registration (DNR)
  • TIEDI Deceased Donor Registration (DDR)

Update data collection to align with U.S. Public Health Service Guideline, 2020

New fields have been added in DonorNet and the Deceased Donor Registration (DDR) in TIEDI to better track donor criteria for HIV, HBV and HCV. These changes will allow for more consistent data collection to align with the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) 2020 guidelines update regarding donor screening for bloodborne disease transmission.

Changes impact:

  • DonorNet donor record
  • DDR form

Data collection to evaluate organ logistics and allocation

Data elements have been added to provide more insight into organ logistics and allocation to better inform future policy development. Additionally, modifications to current data have been made to ensure efficiencies in data collection efforts are both current and relevant.

Changes impact:

  • Waitlist Candidate removal
  • TRR forms
  • DDR form
  • TransNet

Race and ethnicity data collection changes

The OPTN is changing how it collects data on race and ethnicity in UNet to create greater consistency with reporting categories used in many federal data systems.

Changes impact:

  • DonorNet donor record, Waitlist candidate registrations, KPD candidates and donors, and certain TIEDI forms that collect race and ethnicity information

What you need to do

This release does not impact OPTN form submission timelines and will not impact data collection on any forms submitted and validated prior to the release.

Additional details

Every time data collection changes, the OPTN must submit all data collection forms to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval prior to implementation. These changes involve the addition of new fields, deletion of fields, and substantive changes to form questions supporting policies approved by the OPTN Board of Directors.


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET.

For policy-related questions, contact [email protected].

The Organ Center is available 24 hours a day at 800-292-9537.

View the UNetSM System Status page

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