Tools for managing data submissions now available

Tools for managing data submissions now available


  • TIEDI® data entry roles at transplant programs, OPOs and histocompatibility labs, program directors/administrators, quality managers, transplant/donation coordinators, and data coordinators.
  • Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from this information

The data submission policy tools and corresponding educational offering are available as of Sept. 9 on UNetSM  Data Services portal and UNOS Connect

At-a-glance statement 

Transplant centers, OPOs, and histocompatibility laboratories can now access new data tools to assist them in managing and monitoring the quality of their OPTN data submitted in TIEDI.  They include two different reports:

Data Lock Preview Reports

  • Spreadsheets designed to identify unknown, missing, and other values outside of expected range for all data elements on the included TIEDI forms. There is one row per data element identified as a possible issue
  • Spreadsheets are updated weekly and review all data elements on those forms, not just those included in the SRTR reports

Data Lock Dashboard

  • A Tableau dashboard that allows administrators and quality managers to see the frequency of data elements flagged at their institution compared to the U.S. along with trends over the past 12 month
  • Once the data lock policy is implemented in TIEDI, this dashboard will also include data on the number of times forms at their institution are unlocked and the reasons for making a data change.

The tools currently include TCR, TRR, LDR, DDR, DHS, and RHS forms in TIEDI.  An additional notice will be provided when TRF and LDF forms are added.

About the data submission policy tools

These tools were developed to assist transplant centers, OPOs, and histocompatibility laboratories with meeting new requirements under the revisions to OPTN Policy 18: Data Submission Requirements, which includes a data lock provision to make any changes to any of the eight TIEDI forms. The policy changes were enacted to improve the quality and timeliness of OPTN data. These changes will be implemented once the TRF/LDF amnesty policy has expired.

Once the changes to policy are implemented, data in the forms will be locked upon the data submission deadline. The deadlines for form submission are being extended by 30 or 60 days, depending on the form. Forms can be unlocked if absolutely necessary, the requirements of which will be covered in a future training. It is important to note, however, that all data entry after the submission deadline will be manual and members will not be able to upload from medical records. The new data tools provide an easy way to review data for accuracy, so members can correct forms before final submission.

Education and Resources

To assist members in using these tools and managing accurate TIEDI form data submission, UNOS has developed educational materials, available through UNOS Connect, that provide an introduction to these new tools available in the UNetSM data services portal.

In addition to these educational materials, a learning plan resource for managers is also available. This resource can help employees insure transfer of learning for the new tools and upcoming courses on TIEDI data submissions.

What you need to do

 You can access the new tools in the UNet Data Services portal.  The Data Lock Preview reports are currently available in the Data Files section; the dashboard is found in the Visual Analytics section. You can search “lock” in the Data Files section to find these new reports. In the near future, a new Data Quality section will be added to the Data Services portal for these and other reports, designed to assist with ensuring the quality of submitted data.

For the educational offerings, access UNOS Connect through the resources tab on the Secure Enterprise (UNet) homepage. Search by course number (SYS158), or by course title (Tools for Managing Data Submissions). Future offerings on unlocking forms and on TIEDI forms in general will be available closer to the policy implementation date.

Helpful resources

OPTN Policy 18: Data Submission Requirements


Email [email protected] for questions about the education materials or UNOS Connect.

Email [email protected] for questions about the tools and the Data Portal.

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