Policies implemented to align with PHS guideline: Living Donor Specimen Storage, Informed Consent

Policies implemented to align with PHS guideline: Living Donor Specimen Storage, Informed Consent

The OPTN already has implemented a series of policy changes to align with the 2020 U.S. Public Health Service Guideline for assessing solid organ donors and monitoring transplant recipients for HIV, hepatitis B (HBV), and hepatitis C (HCV). Additional elements of the policy change implemented on June 1, 2021, are:

  • requiring living donor recovery hospitals to store specimens for ten years
  • adding required disclosure to existing living donor informed consent policy for specimen storage

Please see the January pre-implementation notice for an overview of the changes. Additional information below addresses resources available to members.

Resource toolkit

A resource toolkit is available here on the OPTN website. It houses summary information about what members need to do and contains a number of resource and reference materials. We will continue to update it with additional information as it becomes available.

Webinar recording available

A recording of the informational webinar held February 24 is available in UNOS Connect. It is posted in the Patient Safety section and entitled SFT129: Align OPTN Policy with 2020 PHS: Implementation.

Additional education and resources

  • A lab testing FAQ is available, which includes timeframes for each of the collection and storage requirements
  • A preview is available of changes to the OPTN Evaluation Plan that will result from the newly added and updated policies.
  • Two educational offerings are available on UNOS Connect:
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