Playlists added to UNOS Connect

Playlists added to UNOS Connect

UNOS is excited to announce playlists, a new enhancement in UNOS Connect. Playlists meet your educational needs by organizing content tailored to specific subjects, roles or systems. Once you follow a playlist, you will receive notifications when new courses or resources are added. This makes keeping up to date easier than ever.

To stay up to date on new or updated courses and playlists, subscribe to the monthly Transplant Pro newsletter here.

Finding playlists

To view playlists, log in to UNOS Connect and select the Explore Playlists link.

This will take you to a list of playlists. Choose the playlists you are interested in, then select the follow button to receive notifications of updates and additions to education in that playlist.

Playlists you can follow right now:

  • Submitting TIEDI Forms
  • Living Donation
  • Histocompatibility Basics
  • Data and Analytics

About UNOS Connect

UNOS Connect is a comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) curated for donation and transplant professionals. In UNOS Connect you can access a variety of instructional materials related to policy and technology.

As the world pivots towards remote learning, it’s important that you are able to find the tools and resources you need. Make the most of what is available by accessing courses through these powerful features:

  • Digital: You have 24/7 access to learning material. Keep track of your training and continuing education credits, and to print and save certificates
  • Mobile-first: Complete a course on your mobile device when you’re on the go
  • Microlearning-based: Learning is delivered in small bites so you can easily take in information, start and stop training at any point, and pick up where you left off


For questions, comments or suggestions about UNOS Connect or other professional education resources, contact [email protected].

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