Plan now for the next UNOS Primer – October 9 in Minneapolis

Plan now for the next UNOS Primer – October 9 in Minneapolis

A full-day UNOS Primer will be held on October 9 in Minneapolis in conjunction with the Transplant Quality Institute (TQI). UNOS Primers provide transplant professionals a deep look inside the OPTN.

Attend this UNOS Primer and you will:

  • Learn how to effectively use tools available on the UNet Data Services Portal to better manage data quality and compliance
  • Discuss tools that allow you to review organ offers and outcomes of organs refused
  • Find out how UNOS and the SRTR work together and how the data you enter influences SRTR data
  • Find valuable tools, like the OPTN evaluation plan
  • Learn about all the education available free on UNOS Connect
  • Learn how policies are made and how they impact data collection

The American Foundation for Donation and Transplantation is the sponsor of both the UNOS Primer and TQI. While this is the perfect opportunity for TQI attendees, TQI registration is not required to attend the Primer.

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