OPO benchmark reports now available

OPO benchmark reports now available

UNOS first made Benchmark Reports available to transplant centers in October 2016 (see UNOS article). In response to feedback from the transplant community, we added pediatric benchmark reports in May 2018. Now, OPO staff are also able to access benchmark reports created specifically for them.

Available since June 18, any OPO staff with access to UNet and proper permissions can now compare their OPO to others across the region or nation. They can also compare their data to OPOs of a similar size. You’ll find the reports in the Data Services Portal in UNet under My Data Files. Starting in October, we’ll update the reports every quarter. These reports will help you understand how your placement attempts compare to others and will illustrate how your processes affect your ability to recover and place organs.

Created as a PDF, the reports contain three chapters:

  • Offer Efforts – How far did you go to place organs? This is brand new information that OPOs have not had access to previously.
  • Supply – What kind of donors did you recover in your DSA?
  • Demand – What does the waiting list in your DSA look like by allocation metrics?

Please let us hear from you. Write us at [email protected] and let us know if you are using the reports and how you are using them. And if you’re not using them, we’d like to know why. Is there something we can add to make it more helpful? Are you interested in a customized report?

To help you use the report most effectively, the format includes an introduction as well as FAQs. You can also access online help from the Data Services Portal (Documentation > Report Descriptions and Data Elements). If the reports don’t appear to you, contact your system administrator to get proper permission.

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