Nominees chosen for 2020 Board of Directors election

Nominees chosen for 2020 Board of Directors election
2021 election
This news item concerns the 2020 election. To read about the 2021 election please click here.

Board election closes February 5

The 2020 election ballot for members of the Board of Directors will close Wed., February 5. Member representatives eligible to vote received election materials January 22. If you are a voting member and have not yet submitted your ballot, please do so. If you have any questions, send an e-mail to [email protected].

The nominees for each open position are listed below.


Board of Directors election Jan. 22 – Feb. 5, 2020

How are nominees selected for the Board of Directors?
Anyone who wishes to serve on the Board of Directors must first apply by completing a Biography Form each cycle they wish to be considered. Once your form is submitted, there are three ways to become a nominee to the Board:

  • Through the Board’s Nominating Committee: The Board Nominating Committee selects nominees Officer, At Large and Patient & Donor Affairs positions. These nominees compete in the national election on contested ballot positions.
  • Through your Regional Nominating Committee: Each OPTN Region’s Nominating Committee selects nominees to participate in a regional election for Associate Regional Councillor/Regional Councillor-Elect. Associate Councillors serve a two-year term to the MPSC before participating in the national membership election on a non-contested ballot position for Regional Councillor to the Board of Directors.
  • Via a Medical/Scientific Society: Five professional transplantation societies select nominees from their membership to participate in the national election on non-contested ballot positions.
    • The American Society of Transplantation (AST)
    • The American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS)
    • The Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO)
    • The American Society for Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics (ASHI) or The College of American Pathologists (CAP)
    • NATCO

The Board slate is developed in alignment with the Nominating Committee’s annual needs assessment, identifying the key skill sets, expertise, and perspectives most needed in the coming year. Membership on the Board of Directors is open to transplant professionals and members of the general public alike.

For more information about the Board of Directors, visit

Who may cast a vote in the election?
Only designated voting representatives of OPTN members with voting privileges and member electors may cast a vote in the annual Board election. Membership categories with voting privileges are:

  • Transplant hospital members (one vote per hospital)
  • OPO members (one vote per OPO)
  • Histocompatibility laboratory members (one vote per independent laboratory)
  • Medical/scientific members (one vote per member)
  • Public organization members (No more than 12, cast by public organization member electors)
  • Individual members (No more than 12, cast by public organization member electors)

Complete details on voting privileges are outlined in the Bylaws. You may request the name of your organization’s designated voting representative by contacting [email protected].


The following nominees have been approved for appointments on the Board of Directors beginning in July 2020.

Member voting representatives will receive a ballot and biographical information for the nominees in late January 2020.

Read more about the nominees.

Board PositionCandidate(s)
Officers Nominees are selected by the Board of Directors Nominating Committee. 
President (vote for one)David Mulligan, M.D., FACS Yale New Haven Hospital
Vice President/President-Elect (vote for one)Matthew Cooper, M.D., FACS MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Peter Stock, M.D., Ph.D.UCSF Medical Center
Vice President for Patient and Donor Affairs (vote for one)Mindy Dison, RN, B.S.N., CPTC Mayo Clinic Florida (recipient)
Joseph Hillenburg WiTronix, LLC (recipient parent)
Secretary (vote for one)Kevin O’Connor, M.S., PA LifeCenter Northwest
Lisa Stocks, RN, M.S.N., FNPLifeSharing
Immediate Past PresidentMaryl Johnson, M.D. University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics
Regional Councillors (vote for three) The below nominees participated in a competitive election at the regional level for a two year term as Regional Associate Councillor/Councillor-Elect. Regional Associate Councillors then advance to a non-contested ballot for Regional Councillor to the Board.
Region 3Keith Wille, M.D., M.S.P.H. University of Alabama Hospital
Region 4Jeffrey Orlowski, M.S., CPTC LifeShare Transplant Donor Services of Oklahoma
Region 6Patrick Healey M.D. Seattle Children’s Hospital
Medical/Scientific Society Representatives Representatives are nominated by their respective societies as indicated.
Transplant Coordinator Representative – NATCO (vote for one)Stacee Lerret, Ph.D., RN, CPNP, FAAN Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
OPO Representative – AOPO (vote for one)Joseph Ferreira, MBA, CPTC, CPHQ Nevada Donor Network
At Large Medical/Scientific Organization Representatives - AST (vote for one)Marian Michaels, M.D., M.P.H.UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
At Large Medical/Scientific Organization Representatives - AST (vote for one)Alan Langnas, D.O. The Nebraska Medical Center
Histocompatibility Representative – CAP or ASHI (vote for one)Manish Gandhi, M.D. Tissue Typing Laboratory at Mayo Clinic (CAP Nominee)
William Hildebrand, Ph.D. HLA Typing Laboratory at Oklahoma University Medical Center (ASHI Nominee)
At-Large Representative At-large representative nominees are selected by the Board of Directors Nominating Committee.
Patient & Donor Affairs Representative - Living Donor (vote for one)Cynthia Forland, Ph.D. Forland Consulting Pono Shim, Oahu Economic Development Board
Patient & Donor Affairs Representative - Transplant Recipient (vote for one)Earnest Davis, M.H.S.A. FACHE, Health Administration Professor
Omar Garriott, M.B.A. Salesforce
Patient & Donor Affairs Representative - Donor Family (vote for one)Precious McCowan, M.S.
Merry Smith, M.B.A. Washington University Medical School
At-Large Non-MD – Transplant Administrator (vote for one)Pamela Gillette, B.A., M.P.H., RN Guidry and East
James Pittman, RN, M.S.N. HCA Healthcare
At Large MD - Surgery (vote for one)Linda Cendales, M.D. Duke University Hospital
Manuel Rodriguez-Davalos, M.D. Primary Children’s Hospital
At Large MD – Surgery (vote for one)James Eason, M.D., FACS Methodist University Hospital
Robert Patrick (Pat) Wood, M.D. LifeGift Organ Donation Center
At Large MD – Medicine (vote for one)Sylvia Rosas, M.D., M.S.C.E. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Amishi Desai, D.O. Loyola University Medical Center
At Large MD – Medicine (vote for one)Monica Grafals, M.D., M.P.H. University of Colorado Hospital
Celeste Williams, M.D., FACC, M.S. Henry Ford Hospital
At Large MD – Medicine (vote for one)Leway Chen, M.D., M.P.H., FACC, FACP Strong Memorial Hospital
Gregory Ewald, M.D., FACC Barnes-Jewish Hospital

FAQ added and table headings updated for clarity, Jan. 6, 2020. Election closing details added, Jan. 31, 2020. Originally published Dec. 23, 2019.

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