New living donor educational resource available Nov. 22

New living donor educational resource available Nov. 22

The policy regarding minimum requirements for living kidney donor follow-up was changed in Feb. 2013 and the minimum requirements for living liver donor follow-up were established in Sept. 2014 (read policy notice containing both of these changes).

To help transplant professionals comply with this change, UNOS developed a number of educational resources. Despite these educational efforts and a marked increase in follow-up form reporting percentages, many transplant programs are still falling short of the required minimum submission thresholds.

To help programs become fully compliant in living donor follow-up reporting, we developed an e-learning module that you can access from UNOS Connect beginning Nov. 22.

Contents include:

  • Interactive learning module
  • Video
  • Suggested best practices
  • Links to existing OPTN resources

Policy 18.5 outlines data submission requirements for living kidney and living liver donation.

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