Match Run List – Offer Details Navigational Button Changes

Match Run List – Offer Details Navigational Button Changes


  • OPO users who send electronic organ offers
  • Transplant hospital users who respond to electronic organ offers
  • Transplant Administrators, Transplant Surgeons, Transplant Physicians, Transplant Quality Directors, Transplant Coordinators

Implementation date

Jan. 27, 2022


In response to feedback from transplant centers during the Offer Filters pilot, UNOS is seeking to improve the navigation for match runs with multiple bypass codes applied.

What is changing:

  • The ‘Next Offer’ button has been renamed ‘Next Potential Recipient.’
  • The ‘Next Potential Recipient’ button skips over all sequences with a refusal or bypass code entered. It takes the user to the next potential recipient with no response entered or an offer response status of provisional yes, acceptance, under evaluation, exceeded time limit, notified, unable to notify.
  • The ‘Save & Go Next Incomplete’ button has been removed since the functionality of this button is similar to the ‘Next Potential Recipient’ button.
  • No changes have been made to the ‘Save’ & ‘Save & Go Next’ button functionality.

These changes apply for all organ types.


Education is available for the national rollout of Offer Filters for kidney in UNOS Connect.


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. EST.


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