Latest in reporting positive post procurement donor results

Latest in reporting positive post procurement donor results

Coming soon, OPO users will be able to use DonorNet® to notify patient safety contacts at transplant programs of positive post procurement donor results as required under policy 15.4.

A new permission in Security Administration was added today for transplant programs. Transplant Programs will be able to view and acknowledge receipt of these notifications from a new
dashboard in DonorNet. The dashboard will be visible only to hospital users who have this new permission to acknowledge these notifications.

What you need to do:

In preparation for the upcoming implementation, transplant programs should take the following actions:

  • Security Administrators should assign appropriate users the new permission, DonorNet: Acknowledge Post Procurement Donor Result, which is now available in Security Administration. Only users with this new permission will have the ability to view and acknowledge the post procurement donor results notifications from the new DonorNet dashboard.
  • Review current Patient Safety Contact information for each program to verify the contact and ensure there is a current email address. Post-procurement donor result notifications sent by OPOs will be emailed to the identified Primary Patient Safety Contact.
  • Be on the lookout for an educational offering in UNOS Connect in the coming weeks to better prepare incorporating the new features.








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