Information for kidney programs about the UNOS Labs℠ Organ Tracking Pilot

Information for kidney programs about the UNOS Labs℠ Organ Tracking Pilot


  • Kidney primary program administrators, medical directors, surgical directors, clinical coordinators, surgeons, program administrators/managers and program directors
  • Primary OPO administrative directors and OPO organ procurement admins/managers

At-a-glance statement

Kidney transplant programs need to be aware that kidneys coming from certain organ procurement organizations may have GPS tracking devices attached, and if so, the box that the organ arrives in will be clearly marked. The transplant programs are asked to return the devices following the instructions in this notice. The programs may also receive a link to track to the organ in transit, as well as a short survey to provide feedback on the experience.


United Network for Organ sharing, through UNOS LabsSM is piloting the ability to track organs in transit. Partnering with four OPOs—LifeNet Health, Center for Organ Recovery and Education, UW Organ and Tissue Donation, and Lifesharing—along with three tracking companies and the Nationwide Organ Recovery Transport Alliance, UNOS is testing the logistics and requirements to track organs broadly.

What you need to do

If you receive a tracked organ at your program as part of this project, unless instructed otherwise by the OPO, your program will need to:

  • Remove the tracking device from the box
  • Insert the device into the pre-paid, self-addressed padded package, which will be provided
  • Deliver the package to a UPS drop-off location near you

Your kidney program may receive a link from the OPO or the UNOS Organ Center allowing you to track the organ in transit. Those that receive a link will also receive a short online survey about this web-based tracking feature. Please complete the survey so that we can further evaluate the success of the pilot.

Additional details

This pilot may expand in the coming months to additional OPOs. If your OPO is interested in being involved, please email [email protected].


For more information about the pilot, email [email protected].

For more information about UNOS Labs, email [email protected].






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