Surgical assistant Jacob Mansy on collaborating to optimize the DonorNet website

Surgical assistant Jacob Mansy on collaborating to optimize the DonorNet website

When United Network for Organ Sharing contacted Scripps Green Hospital‘s surgical physician’s assistant Jacob Mansy with an invitation to participate in a collaborative transplant program workgroup aimed at developing a new and improved mobile-friendly website for DonorNet, he leapt at the opportunity. “People who are actually doing the daily grind every day are the ones who are going to have the best feedback on new technology as it develops,” Mansy said. “I don’t have a whole lot of experience creating mobile-friendly websites, but the UNOS IT team had immediate responses to any of the feedback I gave them.”

Mansy volunteered in a group of 17 transplant organizations that receive organ offers who, in the spring of 2019, convened to influence development of a new DonorNet Mobile. The new website, which is built on a modern, open source application framework that will be easy to rapidly develop and update, will be released to the transplant hospital community in early 2021.

Read more about how transplant professionals and UNOS IT teams work collaboratively to improve DonorNet Mobile.

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