Instructional video explains upcoming simultaneous liver-kidney policy and reporting requirements

Instructional video explains upcoming simultaneous liver-kidney policy and reporting requirements

OPTN policy changes will soon be implemented to provide more clarity and consistency regarding simultaneous liver-kidney (SLK) allocation. Liver and kidney transplant programs will be required to document and report new information for SLK candidates.

In advance of policy implementation, the new data fields associated with the policy will be released to allow members to learn about and input needed criteria. The data will be used to determine a candidate’s eligibility for SLK and/or “safety net” priority and to ensure members are complying with the policy.

Two instructional videos are available to help liver and kidney transplant programs understand the upcoming policy changes and the corresponding system changes in WaitlistSM. One addresses SLK policy requirements and the other one covers how to enter and manage data for candidates covered under the policy.

UNOS Connect is your resource for educational offerings for transplant professionals. Sign in to access this and other training materials. You’ll find the policy training video under Liver in the course catalog, and the systems training under UNet System.

  • UNet Users: If you have access to UNOS Secure EnterpriseSM systems: UNetSM, WaitlistSM, DonorNet®, Tiedi®, KPDSM and other UNOS-developed transplant applications, your account is already set up and there is no need for you to register. Access UNOS Connect with your UNet username and password. This will allow you full access to the site to view system training recordings, register for policy webinars and view materials.

Upon completing this session, the participant will be able to:

  • Identify the new requirements associated with SLK policy changes
  • Enter data in WaitlistSM needed for candidates to be eligible for SLK and kidney candidate prioritization

CEPTC training credit is available when you complete these sessions. Additional training on SLK allocation changes will be available this summer.

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