Infectious disease testing resource documents for deceased and living donors now available

Infectious disease testing resource documents for deceased and living donors now available

Audience (please share with anyone within your organization that would benefit from this information)

  • Organ Procurement Coordinators, TX Program – Clinical Coordinators, and Organ Placement Coordinators

About the course 

By explaining essential concepts and terminology and clarifying general information about different infectious disease tests, these resource documents are intended to improve the understanding of and compliance with OPTN living and deceased donor infectious disease testing requirements.

Upon completion of this instructional offering, you will be able to:

  • Describe the purpose for required infectious disease tests
  • Correctly interpret the meaning of fundamental terms and concepts related to infectious disease testing

How to access the resource documents

Access UNOS Connect through the resources tab on the Secure Enterprise (UNet) homepage.

Search by course number:

  • QLT141
  • Or by course title “Infectious Disease Testing Explained”


 Email [email protected] for questions about the education materials or UNOS Connect.

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