New DonorNet Mobile now available for transplant hospitals nationwide

New DonorNet Mobile now available for transplant hospitals nationwide

Audience (Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from it.)

  • Transplant program directors, administrators, coordinators, compliance and quality officers and clinical support staff
  • Members who take organ offer calls on behalf of transplant hospitals
  • OPO CEOs, medical directors, procurement directors and coordinators, compliance and quality officers

Implementation date

April 7


new and improved version of DonorNet MobileSM for transplant hospitals is now available nationally. The new mobile-friendly website provides an improved user experience for evaluating and responding to organ offers from a mobile device.

Developed in partnership with transplant coordinators, administrators and surgeons from across the country, the new application replaces the classic mobile offer-response application—originally released in 2007—and provides an improved view of:

  • Organ offer notifications
  • Donor record information
  • Candidate data on offers
  • Offer response options

DonorNet® users who navigate to the Secure EnterpriseSM page from a mobile device, or who click on an organ offer link in an email when on a mobile device, will now be redirected to the new application.

What transplant hospital members need to do

Transplant hospital members who take organ offer calls should familiarize themselves with the new application by completing the new UNOS Connect educational module, titled “Organ Offers on the Go: DonorNet Mobile for Transplant Hospitals” (SYS165).

No additional action is needed to gain access to the application. All members who have permissions to view match and donor information on behalf of a transplant hospital have access to the new website.

What organ procurement organization (OPO) members need to do

No action is needed from OPO members. DonorNet Mobile for OPOs is still available and can now be additionally accessed by navigating to the Secure Enterprise page on a mobile device.

Existing functionality for OPOs on mobile includes:

  • Performing second verification of ABO blood types and subtypes
  • Uploading file attachments directly to DonorNet
  • Viewing donor details, highlights and information

Education and resources

Help documentation describing the new features will be available in DonorNet. A UNOS Connect training course is available for transplant hospital members. The course will show you everything you need to get started helping your patients right away. Search by course number:

  • SYS165
  • Or by course title “Organ Offers on the Go: DonorNet Mobile for Transplant Hospitals”


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET.

For policy-related questions, contact [email protected].

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