Training series highlights tools in the Data Services portal

Training series highlights tools in the Data Services portal

The Data Services portal, accessible through UNet, allows you to securely access, view and download multiple types of data reports and analytical tools related to your institution or transplantation in the U.S. overall. Every other month, we will  highlight one of the tools available in the portal and our training webinars will show you how to use them most effectively. The training webinars are available on UNOS Connect. From the homepage, select Learning Series from the main menu bar on the left, then select Data Services Portal.This brings you to all of the webinars in our Data Services Portal series. You can also find the webinars in the UNET Systems category of the course catalog.

New Training

Organ Offer Reports
The fourth video in our Data Services portal training series shows you how to use multiple tools now available to transplant centers and OPOs to review organ offers and outcomes of organs refused.

Previous Webinars

UNet Data Services Portal: Tools to Monitor Data Quality and Submission
The third video in our Data Services portal training series shows you how to use the following new tools that will help you monitor data quality and Tiedi form submissions:

  • Data validation report (includes PSR data elements)
  • Data submission report
  • Transplant recipient follow-up form (know in advance when follow-up forms will be generated so you can schedule patient visits as close to the anniversary date as possible)

UNet Data Services Portal: Data Report SYS 123

The My Data Files section holds various types of both patient-identified and center-specific reports in a single, secure location. These include brand new reports as well as some that were previously available through UNet or a custom data request. Some of the tools reviewed include a report of upcoming generation of follow-up forms for your center, listings of transplants and waiting list registrations to prepare for CMS visits, listing of PHS increased risk transplants, and the living donor follow-up dashboard.

UNet Data Services Portal: Kidney Waiting List Management Tool SYS 122

Learn how to use the tool and discover techniques for managing active and inactive kidney candidates. Read earlier article about this tool.

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