DonorNet® imaging study pilot in 2019

DonorNet® imaging study pilot in 2019

UNOS continues a pilot project to enable sharing of donor medical images in DonorNet.® We are partnering with several OPOs and Ambra Health on the pilot, which began January 16th and will run through April.

Surgeons recommend improvements to imaging study pilot at ASTS

UNOS worked with surgeons at the ASTS winter symposium to gather feedback on the  pilot. They recommended several improvements and we made the following changes to the system on February 6, 2019.

  • We added “Body Part” to the DICOM Studies table
  • The DICOM Studies link on the Details tab now displays below the “Donor Highlights” field on the Details Tab.
  • The DICOM Studies “Study Date” now has no time offset and will be displayed as local to the system which generated the study.  If the “Study Date” is blank, you will see N/A.
  • The DICOM Studies “Upload Date” is now being converted to local time, relative to the donor.
  • Informational messages in the DICOM Studies table now display in black (instead of red).

Changes to the transplant hospital view

  • The DICOM Studies “Status” column no longer displays in the transplant hospital view
  • The duplicate warning message no longer displays to transplant hospitals

Our goal is provide consistent, secure and reliable access to high-quality medical imaging studies during organ allocation. The pilot is the first step UNOS is taking to enable sharing of medical image studies.

UNOS is using this pilot to determine functional, training, and support needed to make image study sharing available nationwide. In the future, we would like to enable donor hospitals to send imaging studies to DonorNet directly from their hospital’s system. We would also like to enable OPOs to send imaging studies to radiologists and cardiologists who can access and read the information.

During the pilot, only participating OPOs are allowed to upload DICOM imaging studies. DICOM imaging studies will be available to any user who has permissions to view the donor’s record in DonorNet®. Participating OPOs may not choose to train all of their coordinators to upload imaging studies. Imaging studies may not be available in DonorNet® for all donors from participating OPOs.

Participating OPOs

  • Center for Organ Recovery and Education, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Donor Network West, San Ramon, CA
  • LifeQuest Organ Recovery Services, Gainesville, FL
  • Lifesharing – A Donate Life Organization, San Diego, CA
  • Nevada Donor Network, Las Vegas, NV
  • OneLegacy, Los Angeles, CA

Education is available in UNOS Connect. Search for SYS140 or find it in the course catalog in the “System” category (UNetSM login required).

We will gather user feedback from the pilot to consider in preparing to offer imaging studies more widely.

Contact UNOS Customer Service (UNet Help Desk) with questions at 800-978-4334 or [email protected].

Learn about a pilot project which could offer quick access to high-quality medical images and facilitate more transplants.

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