Join collaborative COVID-19 webinar hosted by New York organ donation and transplant professionals

Join collaborative COVID-19 webinar hosted by New York organ donation and transplant professionals

No other American metro area has faced the degree of challenges experienced by New York City during the global pandemic. In an effort to share best practices during the crisis, the New York region’s transplant hospitals and OPOs have joined forces to share experiences and solutions during a collaborative webinar titled “New York vs. COVID-19: We Will Win!” scheduled for Friday, April 17 at 2 p.m. EDT. The agenda will include information on:

    • The benefits of statewide transplant communication during a crisis such as COVID-19
    • The development of home care strategies, including telehealth during COVID-19 for transplant candidates, recipients and living donors
    • Strategies for maintaining COVID-19 free units during a surge
    • Complex staffing issues that arose with inpatient and ambulatory care areas
    • Implemented strategies that will continue post-pandemic

Questions may be submitted at registration. Capacity is limited to 1,000 registrants. The webinar will be available for viewing after the event on UNOS’ COVID-19 resources page.

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