AST releases recommendations and guidance for organ donor testing

AST releases recommendations and guidance for organ donor testing

In response to inquiries regarding COVID-19, the American Society of Transplantation’s Infectious Disease Community of Practice has developed recommendations regarding organ donor testing. This guidance reflects the current state of knowledge and involves questions pertaining to screening and testing of living and deceased donors in the COVID era. Specifically, the guidance document provides recommendations on:

  • Assessing exposure through epidemiological, clinical and laboratory screening of potential donors
  • Mitigating risk of transmission of COVID-19 from deceased donors through testing and screening
  • Preliminary living donor strategies to lower the risk of COVID-19 donor-derived infection and prevent harm to the donor

The AST document is subject to change as more information becomes available.

Stay current on COVID and find the latest data and resources on the UNOS COVID-19 page. 

Register for the COVID Collaborative

Effective July 10, 2020, the OPTN COVID Collaborative inactivated. Read the details.

UNOS established this platform in order to help you work together to address the COVID-19 operational challenges you are experiencing.

In the secure Collaborative workspace, you will find other members, connecting in real time to share effective practices in discussion forums.

Current discussion threads revolve around a variety of topics including:

  • Patient testing: Whether and how programs are testing potential recipients
  • Procurement team exposures: How OPOs are handling potential threats
  • OPO strategies: How to plan for reopening of nonessential operations
  • Living donation: Processes and timelines for antibody testing
  • Organ utilization: Are delays in placement having an impact?
  • Telemedicine: Incorporating virtual practices into patient care

Do you have an idea for a webinar or other insights to share? Email [email protected].

Effective July 10, 2020, the OPTN COVID Collaborative inactivated. Read the details.

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