COVID-19 updates: March 18, 2020

COVID-19 updates: March 18, 2020

For transplant programs

  • If you have decided that some of your individual candidates should not receive organ offers at this time, please make them temporarily inactive using the new “COVID-19 precaution” reason code or one of the previously available codes. See instructions for details.
  • If you already have made someone temporarily inactive, and used a different code, you do not need to change to the new COVID-19 precaution reason code—although you do have the ability to edit the current inactive reason selection for improved internal tracking. Transplant hospitals can generate a custom report that includes inactive reason information.
  • If you know that you will temporarily not be performing transplants, you have the ability to inactivate your program’s entire waiting list in UNet. UNOS is working on additional resource materials to assist you. In the meantime, Appendix K of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Bylaws addresses the procedure you would need to follow. If you have to inactivate an entire program, please let us know promptly by emailing
  • Consider alternate organ retrieval options such as local procurement, particularly as access to donor hospitals or transportation affects logistics.
  • Work closely with OPOs regarding expediting operating rooms.
  • Following these steps will help match runs move more quickly to candidates and programs that are ready to transplant.

For organ procurement organizations

  • To the extent practical, continue to follow the match run.
  • If transportation systems become disrupted and an organ cannot be transported to a hospital on the match run, the OPO should use the 861 bypass code and proceed to allocate as high on the match run as logistics allow. These decisions should be based on the availability of transportation options, not on DSA or regional boundaries.
  • As always, OPOs often make logistical judgment calls in order to ensure that an organ is transplanted, and they should continue to do so now.

Stay current

We will continue to update the UNOS COVID-19 resources page as guidance is developed and enhanced.

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