Register now for the June 11 webinar “COVID-19: Past, Present and Future OPO Operations”
Text updated June 1, 2021
Four OPO CEOs will discuss issues related to organ procurement operations during COVID-19 in the June 11 webinar. As OPOs are building new processes in response to the pandemic, they are assessing staffing safety, workspace configuration and a range of operational processes. Intended for both donation and transplant audiences, this webinar will provide insight into how OPOs are adapting in the wake of the pandemic.
The webinar is scheduled for June 11 from 2 to 3 p.m. EDT.
Panel presenters include:
- Charlie Alexander, president and CEO, The Living Legacy Foundation of Maryland
- Jennifer Prinz, COO, Donor Alliance
- Kevin O’Connor, president and CEO, LifeCenter Northwest
- Jeff Orlowski, president and CEO, LifeShare of Oklahoma
A recording is available on UNOS Connect.
Transplants return to near pre-COVID-19 levels
After a monthlong decline in transplants performed each week in the U.S., transplants nationwide began to gradually increase and have leveled off close to where they were before the pandemic. Check the data visualization tool on the UNOS COVID-19 resources page weekly to see if the stabilization continues, and to learn more about the effect COVID-19 has had on waitlist additions.
- AAKP Healthline Coronavirus webinars: Access important information from the American Association of Kidney Patients about how telehealth can be used for in-hospital dialysis patients, home dialysis patients, and transplant recipients, as well as other topics.
- Data visualizations on transplants and deceased donors recovered are updated daily: the waitlist snapshot is updated on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and transplants by week and deceased donors recovered by week are updated every Monday.
Stay current
We will continue to update the UNOS COVID-19 resources page as guidance is developed and enhanced.