COVID-19 updates: June 18, 2020

COVID-19 updates: June 18, 2020

Webinar recording now available: “COVID-19: Past, Present and Future OPO Operations”

As OPOs build new processes in response to the pandemic, they are assessing staffing safety, workspace configuration and a range of operational processes. This webinar brings together four OPO CEOs to discuss issues related to organ procurement operations during COVID-19.

The pandemic has sparked new cooperation and collaboration between donation and transplant professionals. Brought to you by the OPTN COVID Collaborative, this webinar is intended for both donation and transplant audiences and offers insight into how OPOs are adapting in the wake of COVID-19.

Panel presenters include:

  • Charlie Alexander, president and CEO, The Living Legacy Foundation of Maryland
  • Jennifer Prinz, COO, Donor Alliance
  • Kevin O’Connor, president and CEO, LifeCenter Northwest
  • Jeff Orlowski, president and CEO, LifeShare of Oklahoma

Find the full recording in the resources section on the OPTN COVID Collaborative site.

Not registered yet? Register now to get access to the COVID Collaborative. [Effective July 10, 2020, the OPTN COVID Collaborative inactivated. Read the details.]

Emergency policy actions available for retrospective public comment Aug. 4 – Oct. 1

In March and April, the OPTN Executive Committee approved several emergency actions related to COVID-19. These actions temporarily changed some OPTN policy requirements for candidate data reporting and kidney candidate waiting time accrual. Read more about these actions here. In addition, data collection was approved and implemented to provide OPOs the ability to report COVID-19 testing status and results. These emergency actions will be available for public comment during the next cycle: Aug. 4 – Oct. 1, 2020. We ask that the transplant community provide feedback during public comment on these emergency actions. All public comment proposals will be available here.

Lung transplant performed on a COVID-19 patient

For the first time, surgeons at Northwestern Medicine performed a double-lung transplant on a patient whose lungs were damaged by COVID-19.


Data visualizations on transplants and deceased donors recovered are updated daily: the waitlist snapshot is updated on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; and transplants by week and deceased donors recovered by week are updated every Monday.

Stay current

We will continue to update the UNOS COVID-19 resources page as guidance is developed and enhanced.

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