Call for transplant professionals to participate in survey on predictive analytics

Call for transplant professionals to participate in survey on predictive analytics

United Network for Organ Sharing staff regularly collaborate with members and industry experts on projects aimed at improving the transplant system and increasing the number of transplants performed nationwide. In order to further such work, UNOS started a virtual research center known as UNOS LabsSM in 2018.

In partnership with American Society of Transplant Surgeons, UNOS Labs researchers are conducting a survey on the perceptions and use of predictive analytics in transplant.

Predictive analytics provides information about the likelihood of an event in the future, based on historic data. It may be calculated using a variety of methods, and may be used to predict outcomes for individual patients, or groups of patients.

The survey is intended for anyone in the field of transplant who helps make decisions about organ offers. It should only take 15 minutes to complete.

Please visit this link to complete the survey.

Please direct questions about the predictive analytics survey to project lead and UNOS research science manager Laura Cartwright at [email protected].

For more information on work being done by UNOS Labs, please email [email protected].

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