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UNOS news related to COVID-19 and transplantation

COVID-19 update: May 7, 2021

Lower respiratory COVID testing to be required for all potential lung donors; Summary of Evidence document updated; and updates to candidate data emergency policy to end July 27

UNOS news, system changes

Messaging enhancement for Expedited Liver Placement now available

New notifications will be sent to the original primary on-call contact when a liver match has been expedited

The U.S. transplant system saves more lives than any other country in the world.

U.S. leads world in rates of deceased donors, key transplant categories

International data ranks U.S. highest in rates of deceased donors and kidney, liver and lung transplants.

UNOS news

MPSC at work on transplant program performance monitoring project

Commitee reviewing member monitoring metrics, finalizing proposal for public comment.

Special public comment will be held April 27 to May 27, 2021

Special public comment is now open for proposal to refine lung data fields for the Lung Allocation Score

The Lung Committee is sponsoring the proposal that is open for special public comment through May 27

UNOS news, system changes

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