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UNOS news related to COVID-19 and transplantation

COVID-19 updates: March 27, 2020

News and updates for organ procurement organizations and transplant programs

UNOS news related to COVID-19 and transplantation

COVID-19 inactivation process for multiple kidney transplant candidates

Kidney transplant programs now have the ability to perform temporary inactivation of multiple transplant candidates simultaneously for the reason of “COVID-19 Precaution”.

UNOS news related to COVID-19 and transplantation

COVID-19 refusal codes for transplant hospitals implemented March 25

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some transplant programs may want to refuse certain organ offers for reasons related to the candidate, the donor, or OPO or transplant hospital operational issues.

UNOS news, system changes

OPTN policy link added to DonorNet®

OPO and transplant hospital members who are using DonorNet will now be able to access OPTN policies easily from a link added under the “Related Links” header within DonorNet.

3-up photos of Charles Miller, M.D., John Roberts, M.D., Abhinav Humar, M.D.

Then and now: Living donor liver transplantation

See how living donor liver transplantation has changed over time and what helps clinicians improve

UNOS news, patient safety

Special pathogens update

If an organ donor tests positive for carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae, coronavirus or influenza, they must be reported in the UNet Improving Patient Safety portal as a potential donor-derived disease transmission event.

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