2021 Staffing Survey results now available

2021 Staffing Survey results now available

Transplant hospitals that have completed the 2021 UNOS Staffing Survey may now access their program’s results, along with comparison statistics for transplant program staffing benchmarks with the 2021 data.

Where can I find the results?

Users will now find the survey results in the interactive dashboard in the UNOS Visual Analytics section of the UNOS Data Services Portal.

As in previous years, only programs that have completed surveys for their organ-specific programs will be able to access the summary and comparison data. Incentivizing participation results in a better data set and more valuable results for the community.

Is it too late to submit my data?

The survey is still open, and there is still time to submit your program’s data and access results.

Where can I find the staffing survey?

One major change with this year’s release is that you will find the survey and the survey results in the interactive dashboard in the UNOS Visual Analytics section of the UNOS Data Services Portal.

  • Users will submit data through their dashboard in the UNOS Data Services Portal.
  • Interactive and customized dashboards in your UNOS Visual Analytics will display your survey data.

What else is different?

The community has been at the center of these improvements. Feedback from more than 60 volunteers from across the country led to these changes:

  • Questions and definitions have been updated to reflect current practices in transplant program staffing.
  • A UNOS Staffing Survey Report is now available in the UNOS Data Files section of the Data Services Portal and displays all data currently saved. This report serves as quality assurance tool and is updated daily.
  • Once your program’s data has been submitted, you’ll be able to review your data and interactively compare yourself to other programs using multiple stratifications and filtering, a big improvement over the previous static results in UNetSM.

You will no longer be able to submit your staffing data using the Transplant Administrators tab in UNet.


Contact the UNet℠ Help Desk at [email protected] for assistance accessing the survey.

UNOS Data Analytics

Did you know about the performance improvement data tools available to UNOS member transplant hospitals?

Learn about the CARE, the Transplant Program Dashboard, the Key Insights Dashboard and other tools that will help you understand practices, improve performance and increase transplant.

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