2020 Staffing Survey results now available, survey to remain open through December

2020 Staffing Survey results now available, survey to remain open through December

Transplant hospitals that have completed the 2020 UNOS Staffing Survey may now access their program’s results, along with comparison statistics for transplant program staffing benchmarks with the 2020 data.

Haven’t submitted your data yet?

The survey is still open, and there is still time to submit your program’s data and access results.

  • The deadline is extended through Dec. 31, 2021, in order to ensure maximum participation from as many transplant programs as possible
  • Results are updated weekly and reflect what has been submitted to date
  • Your program can still enter data through Dec. 31 and receive updated results

Follow these instructions to submit survey data.

Did you submit your program’s staffing data and want to view the results?

Follow these steps:

  • Click the Transplant Administrators icon on the Secure Enterprise homepage
  • On the Staffing Survey menu, select “Results”
  • Select “2020”
  • Generate comparative statistics by region, type of program (adult or pediatric), and by program size (waitlist and organs transplanted) for the 2020 data submitted

As in previous years, only programs that have completed surveys for their organ-specific programs will be able to access the summary and comparison data. Incentivizing participation results in a better data set and more valuable results for the community.

Participate in the redesign of the Staffing Survey

A user group is redesigning the survey for 2022 to allow for more customization of benchmarks. If you are interested in participating, contact Sarah Taranto at [email protected].


Contact the UNet℠ Help Desk at [email protected] for assistance accessing the survey.

UNOS Data Analytics

Did you know about the performance improvement data tools available to UNOS member transplant hospitals?

Learn about the CARE, the Transplant Program Dashboard, the Key Insights Dashboard, and other tools that will help you understand practices, improve performance and increase transplant.

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