2016 UNOS Transplant Management Forum was a hit

2016 UNOS Transplant Management Forum was a hit

“Excellent. Just excellent. Good pace to the offerings, excellent exhibitors, nice conference space. Overall, well done!!”

“This conference never disappoints. It is well worth the travel and the money spent. I often split the costs with my institution in order to attend and I feel the investment in my professional development and the information to be utilized back at my center is of the highest quality.”

“I especially liked the Tuesday line-up, with multiple options and repeats.”

“Great forum this year. I think the topics were much more pertinent to my work.”

The UNOS Transplant Management Forum consistently meets with rave reviews from transplant professionals, and the above evaluation form comments show that this year’s forum in Indianapolis was no exception.

Like previous years, the 524 member audience was predominantly made of up of transplant administrators and managers from 290 transplant centers across the country. Yet a variety of professionals in other transplant roles attended, including those representing 22 OPOs and even 17 physicians.

Plenary sessions on the first day, including sessions on ethics and big data were both well received but the OPTN/UNOS president’s address by Betsy Walsh and the keynote speech from Dr. Martine Rothblatt titled “Unexpected Moments of Creative Inspiration” were clearly the crowd favorites.

“Betsy was a fantastic speaker! Engaging. Loved her personal story”

And for Dr. Rothblatt:

“Probably the best session of the forum! Very interesting. The speaker was dynamic and I loved her vision of the future.”

“This was the most interesting presentation I have attended in a long time. Amazing and inspiring.”

If you are interested in presenting at the 2017 Transplant Management Forum in Orlando on April 25-27, you have until August 18 to submit an abstract for a full plenary, concurrent, mini-oral, or poster presentation. You have until January 19, 2017 if you are interested in an award or poster presentation only.

The evaluation forms also collect information about what could make the forum better and more relevant to transplant professionals. Each year, the Transplant Administrators Committee scrutinizes this information and is already working to incorporate these suggestions into next year’s forum.

Multiple services represented at UNOS Exhibit
UNOS was one of the 51 exhibit booths present at the forum, a favorite for transplant-related exhibitors. UNOS Staff members from communications, member quality and IT were on hand to answer questions from the more than 200 visitors to its booth.

These staff talked about communications resources, upcoming policy changes, and the new COIIN (Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network) project. IT staff also provided TransNet and DonorNet mobile demonstrations and gathered feedback for IT improvements.

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