New version of the Offer Filters Explorer tool for kidney transplant programs now available
The tool allows programs to enter filter criteria and see how a filter would affect the kidney offers your program received over the past 5 years.
The tool allows programs to enter filter criteria and see how a filter would affect the kidney offers your program received over the past 5 years.
Please review your custom reports with lung candidate data to see how these changes may affect you.
Beginning early 2022, UNet will begin using multi-factor authentication (MFA) to make your UNet login process more secure.
If you have questions about minimum system requirements, please contact your in-house IT staff.
Candidates’ Lung Allocation Scores (LAS) have changed according to a revised calculation approved by the OPTN Board of Directors in December 2020.
Changes to the donor organ disposition reason codes on the DonorNet® and TIEDI® have been made to ensure these codes are aligned with distance-based allocation.