Two new enhancements coming to DonorNet

Two new enhancements coming to DonorNet


  • DonorNet® users at all OPOs and transplant hospitals

Implementation date

  • Sept. 21, 2022


Two new enhancements will display as tooltips, visible when the user hovers over a button or question mark icon in DonorNet:

  • A tooltip for primary and backup notification offers will display the following information:
      • A local time conversion if the user’s browser is not set to EDT
      • A time elapsed if the response is a provisional yes or pending a response

Tooltips for “Follow Donor” and “Send Alert” buttons will display more prominent on the donor record.

Tooltips display when the user hovers over a button or question mark icon, providing more information or describing what the button will do when selected.

Additional details

UNOS worked in partnership with the community on the design and development of these features during the August 2022 IT Collaboration event at the Organization for donation and Transplant Professionals’ (NATCO) annual meeting.

Education and resources

UNetSM help documentation will be updated along with these changes. Professional education is also available for the follow donor functionality UNOS Connect:

  • SYS185: Tools and Tips for Following a Donor


If you have questions relating to implementation, contact UNOS Customer Service at [email protected], or call 800-978-4334 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET.

For policy-related questions, contact [email protected]

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