Extra Vessels changes are in effect

Extra Vessels changes are in effect

We’ve made numerous changes related to Extra Vessels that took effect on Aug. 15. See below for what changed. We also made additional changes on Sept. 18 to help OPOs track extra vessels that were procured from one of their donors. This will make it easier for OPOs to report infectious disease information to the appropriate transplant hospitals.

OPOs are able to use the Donor Organ Disposition (Feedback) tab to identify which transplant hospitals have reported an extra vessel disposition on a particular donor.

Other changes:

User credentials

  • If you change your username in UNet® Security Administration, the system will also automatically update your TransNet username (this update could take up to 10 minutes).
  • First, middle and/or last name changes in EMPIR will also be reflected in TransNet (updates may be delayed by up to 10 minutes).

Logging in
To have an active TransNet OPO account, you must:

  • Have an active UNetSM account. This means:
    • You have logged in during the past 365 days
    • Your password has not expired (passwords expire every 90 days)
    • You have security access in UNetSM for the corresponding OPO
    • You have selected at least 1 check box (for Import Donors or Local Donors) in Security Admin – DonorNet® for that same OPO in TransNet
  • Have an active TransNet account. This means:
    • You have logged in during the previous 90 days
    • Your TransNet username is the same at your UNetSM username

Using older software versions
Once the change is implemented, older versions (5.8.4 or lower) will be more difficult or sometimes impossible to use, depending on the task you want to perform. You must upgrade to TransNet 5.10 to perform these tasks:

  • create cases
  • transfer via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth
  • restore lost cases
  • make updates from UNetSM and DonorNet
  • Remote validation

Using a 5.8.4-or-lower-version device, you’ll still be able to complete these functions:

  • log in
  • create cases (manually)
  • print/scan labels
  • close and upload a case
  • repackage a case
  • import a case
  • submit audit logs

Data Loss
Any time a case that was previously on an old TransNet version (5.8.4 and lower) is brought onto the new version (via device upgrade with a case on the device, case transfer, import, or re-package) there will be infectious disease data loss for that case. Because the old and new TransNet versions have different infectious disease tests and results options, all previously entered values and results will be lost. A user will need to re-enter and validate the new results in order to print the new extra vessels labels for those donor cases.

DonorNet® and TIEDI® changes
We are removing Unknown and Cannot Disclose Result options for infectious diseases and PHS increased risk question.

  • You will be able to choose from the following infectious disease result options: Positive, Negative, Pending, Indeterminate or Not Done.
    • If you have run an infectious disease test but have not yet received the results, select Pending.
    • If you don’t know if an infectious disease test has been run, select Not Done.
    • If the results from an infectious disease test were inconclusive or equivocal, select Indeterminate.

Additional infectious disease test (Strongyloides). If you test for this disease in a donor, you will now be able to document the results in DonorNet®. We’ll add this test to the TIEDI DDR form Q1 2020.

TransNetSM, OPTN labels, DonorNet®, KPDSM, and TIEDI® – DDR form

  • Anti-HBcAB will now be displayed as Anti-HBc
  • HIV Ag/Ab Combo Assay will now be displayed as HIV Ag/Ab Combo

Extra Vessels labels

  • Will only include HIV, HBV and HCV infectious disease tests/results and PHS increased risk question to align with OPTN policy.
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