Changes to Data Services Portal files: Updates to file descriptions

Changes to Data Services Portal files: Updates to file descriptions


  • TIEDI® data entry roles at transplant programs
  • TX Program Administrators/Managers
  • Quality managers, transplant/donation coordinators, and data coordinators.
  • Please share this notice with anyone in your organization who would benefit from this information


Beginning March 24, 2021, the file descriptions of reports accessible in the Secure Enterprise Data Services Portal are being updated. These changes, which will impact the majority of the data files in the portal, are intended to make it easier for users to find the right reporting tool. The updates will be complete on April 13.

What you need to know

The titles and contents of the data reporting files are not changing—only the descriptions.

The updated descriptions will include a few key pieces of information in a standardized format, including:

  • What patient population is included (recipients, candidates, donors, etc)
  • Whether the report is a list or aggregated summary
  • A brief summary of included data elements and summary of what is provided in each row (if applicable)
  • The time period that the report spans
  • How frequently the report is updated

These changes will help give more meaningful at-a-glance information about each report to help members find what they are looking for more quickly.

Questions or feedback?

Do you have enhancement ideas for existing reports? We would love to hear from you.

Email [email protected] with questions about any report available on the Data Portal.




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