Increase efficiency with UNet APIs

Customer Service
How can we help?
- Having trouble entering your data in WaitlistSM or DonorNet® or TIEDI®?
- Unsure how to change permissions for one of your UNetSM administrators?
Contact UNOS Customer Service: (800) 978-4334
Data reporting / modification requests
Data reporting/modification request forms
Candidate forms
Recipient forms
- Transfer recipient
- Request: add transplant which occurred prior to Oct. 1, 1987 to the OPTN system
- Recipient death information
- Modify recipient demographics
- Recipient form activities
Donor forms
Resources and support
UNet support, news and education
- System status: View UNet System Status page
- Access issues? Contact your organization’s site administrator(s)
- Change permissions: Contact UNOS customer service at (800) 978-4334
- Data reporting and modification request forms: Contact UNOS customer service at (800) 978-4334
- Supported browsers: Find list within UNet's help documentation.
News and education
- News: Read about UNet improvements (also called system notices)
- UNet University: Introduce or refine UNet skills with online learning modules.